
28 lines
672 B

-- downloadscreen `dlScreen` table
-- Download the selected song
---@param uri string # Encoded URI
---@param header table
---@param id string # Song ID
---@param cb function # Archive callback
DownloadArchive = function(uri, header, id, cb) end
-- Exit the download screen
Exit = function() end
-- Gets the path to the song folder
GetSongsPath = function() end
-- Play the chart preview
---@param uri string # Encoded URI
---@param header table
---@param id string # Song ID
PlayPreview = function(uri, header, id) end
---@class dlScreen
dlScreen = {
DownloadArchive = DownloadArchive,
Exit = Exit,
GetSongsPath = GetSongsPath,
PlayPreview = PlayPreview,