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-- IR State enum
---@class States
local States = {
Unused = 0,
Pending = 10,
Success = 20,
Accepted = 22,
BadRequest = 40,
Unauthorized = 41,
ChartRefused = 42,
Forbidden = 43,
NotFound = 44,
ServerError = 50,
RequestFailure = 60
---@class IRData
---@field Active boolean # USC IR configured and active
---@field States States # IR reposonse state enum
IRData = {}
---@class IRHeartbeatResponseBody
---@field serverTime integer
---@field serverName string
---@field irVersion string
---@class IRRecordResponseBody
---@field record ServerScore
---@alias IRLeaderboardResponseBody ServerScore[]
---@class IRResponse
---@field statusCode integer
---@field description string
---@class IRHeartbeatResponse : IRResponse
---@field body IRHeartbeatResponseBody
---@class IRChartTrackedResponse : IRResponse
---@field body {}
---@class IRRecordResponse : IRResponse
---@field body IRRecordResponseBody
---@class IRLeaderboardResponse : IRResponse
---@field body ServerScore[]
-- Performs a Heartbeat request.
---@param callback fun(res: IRHeartbeatResponse) # Callback function receives IRResponse as it's first parameter
local function Heartbeat(callback) end
-- Performs a Chart Tracked request for the chart with the provided hash.
---@param hash string # song hash
---@param callback fun(res: IRChartTrackedResponse) # Callback function receives IRResponse as it's first parameter
local function ChartTracked(hash, callback) end
-- Performs a Record request for the chart with the provided hash.
---@param hash string # song hash
---@param callback fun(res: IRRecordResponse) # Callback function receives IRResponse as it's first parameter
local function Record(hash, callback) end
-- Performs a Leaderboard request for the chart with the provided hash, with parameters mode and n.
---@param hash string # song hash
---@param mode "best"|"rivals" # request leaderboard mode
---@param n integer # limit the number of requested scores
---@param callback fun(res: IRLeaderboardResponse) # Callback function receives IRResponse as it's first parameter
local function Leaderboard(hash, mode, n, callback) end
---@class IR
IR = {
Heartbeat = Heartbeat,
ChartTracked = ChartTracked,
Record = Record,
Leaderboard = Leaderboard