require("common.globals") --file reader utility functions ---Get game path ---@return string, string local function getGamePath() return debug.getinfo(1,"S").source:sub(2):match("(.*)([\\/])skins") -- this is very hacky :) end local function readBytes(_file) local out = {} repeat local buffer = _file:read(4*1024) for c in (buffer or ''):gmatch(".") do table.insert(out, c:byte()) end until not buffer return out end ---Read a file in the game folder by lines ---@param path string relative path to game file ---@param mode? openmode default "r" ---@return nil|string[] function ReadGameFileLines(path, mode) mode = mode or "r" local gamepath, sep = getGamePath() local lines = {} local f = .. sep .. path, mode) if not f then return nil end for line in f:lines("l") do table.insert(lines, line) end f:close() return lines end ---Read a file in the game folder ---@param path string # relative path to game file ---@param mode? openmode # default "r" ---@return nil|string|integer[] function ReadGameFile(path, mode) mode = mode or "r" local gamepath, sep = getGamePath() local out local f = .. sep .. path, mode) if not f then return nil end if mode:match(".*b") then out = readBytes(f) else out = f:read("a") end f:close() return out end ---Find patterns in file ---@param path string # relative path to game file ---@param pattern string # search pattern ---@return table # {{group1, group2, ...}, ...} function FindPatterns(path, pattern) local matches = {} for _, line in ipairs(ReadGameFileLines(path, "r")) do if line:match(pattern) then table.insert(matches, {line:match(pattern)}) end end return matches end --- Check if a file or directory exists in this path ---@param file string # relative path to game file ---@return boolean # file exists ---@return string # error message function IsFileExists(file) local gamepath, sep = getGamePath() file = gamepath .. sep .. file local ok, err, code = os.rename(file, file) if not ok then game.Log("err: "..err..", code: "..code, game.LOGGER_DEBUG) if code == 13 then -- Permission denied, but it exists return true end end return ok, err end --- Check if a directory exists in this path ---@param path string # relative path to game directory ---@return boolean # directory exists function IsDir(path) -- "/" works on both Unix and Windows return IsFileExists(path .. "/") end