require("common") local Footer = require("components.footer") local Wallpaper = require("components.wallpaper") local Background = require("components.background") local Dim = require("common.dimensions") local lang = require("") local util = require("common.util") local cursorIndex = 3 local buttonHeight = 128 + 16 local SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER = 128 local BAR_ALPHA = 191 local HEADER_HEIGHT = 100 local crew = game.GetSkinSetting("single_idol") local resources = { images = { headerTitleImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/title.png", 0), selectorBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/selector_bg.png", 0), selectorArrowsImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/selector_arrows.png", 0), unselectedButtonImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/unselected_button.png", 0), selectedButtonBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/selected_button_bg.png", 0), selectedButtonOverImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/selected_button_over.png", 0) }, anims = { idolAnimation = gfx.LoadSkinAnimation("crew/anim/" .. crew, 1 / 30, 0, true) }, audiosamples = { bgm = "titlescreen/bgm.wav", cursorChange = "titlescreen/cursor_change.wav", cursorSelect = "titlescreen/cursor_select.wav" }, labels = { selectorDescriptionLabel = gfx.CreateLabel(lang.Start.desc, 22, 0), selectorLegendScrollLabel = gfx.CreateLabel(, 20, 0), selectorLegendSelectLabel = gfx.CreateLabel(lang.Start.st3, 20, 0) } } -- load audio samples for _, path in pairs(resources.audiosamples) do game.LoadSkinSample(path) end local buttons = { { labelImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/labels/skill.png", 0), labelWidth = 412, action = nil, -- Menu.Challenges, description =, details = lang.Challanges.ch1, }, { labelImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/labels/friend.png", 0), labelWidth = 169, action = nil, -- Menu.Multiplayer, description =, details = lang.Multiplayer.mp2, }, { labelImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/labels/normal.png", 0), labelWidth = 210, action = nil, -- Menu.Start, description =, details = lang.Start.st2, }, { labelImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/labels/nautica.png", 0), labelWidth = 230, action = nil, -- Menu.DLScreen, description = lang.Nautica.dls, details = lang.Nautica.dls2, }, { labelImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/labels/settings.png", 0), labelWidth = 247, action = nil, -- Menu.Settings, description =, details = lang.Settings.se1, }, { labelImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("titlescreen/labels/exit.png", 0), labelWidth = 110, action = nil, -- Menu.Exit, description = lang.Exit.ex, details = lang.Exit.ex2, }, } local miscButtons = { upArrow = { x = - 265, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER - buttonHeight + 4, w = 64, h = 36 }, downArrow = { x = - 265, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER + buttonHeight / 2 + 28, w = 64, h = 36 }, mainButton = { x = - 512, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER - buttonHeight / 2 - 28, w = 505, h = 196 }, upButton1 = { x = - 512, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER - 128 - buttonHeight, w = 1026 / 2, h = 257 / 2 }, upButton2 = { x = - 512, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER - 128 - buttonHeight * 2, w = 1026 / 2, h = 257 / 2 }, downButton1 = { x = - 512, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER + 128 + 10, w = 1026 / 2, h = 257 / 2 }, downButton2 = { x = - 512, y = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER + 128 + buttonHeight + 10, w = 1026 / 2, h = 257 / 2 }, } local scrollTransitionScale = 1 -- Goes from 0 to 1 when transition is happening, sits at 1 when it's not. local buttonsMovementScale = 0 -- Basically same as `scrollTransitionScale` but with a +/- sign for the scroll direction and goes from 1 to 0 local idolAnimTransitionScale = 0 local oldCursorIndex = 3 local scrollingUp = false local playedBgm = false local triggerServiceMenu = false local function setButtonActions() buttons[1].action = Menu.Challenges buttons[2].action = Menu.Multiplayer buttons[3].action = Menu.Start buttons[4].action = Menu.DLScreen buttons[5].action = Menu.Settings buttons[6].action = Menu.Exit end local function draw_button(button, x, y, selected, index) if (selected) then -- Draw button background gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x, y + (196 / 2 * (1 - scrollTransitionScale)), 505, 196 * scrollTransitionScale, resources.images.selectedButtonBgImage, 1, 0) -- Draw button main label gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x + 256 - (button.labelWidth / 2), (y + 58) + (64 / 2 * (1 - scrollTransitionScale)), button.labelWidth, 64 * scrollTransitionScale, button.labelImage, 1, 0) -- Draw description gfx.GlobalAlpha((scrollTransitionScale - 0.8) * 5) gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE) gfx.FontSize(40) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.Text(button.description, x + 256, y + 28) gfx.GlobalAlpha(1) -- Draw the glow overlay gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x + 2, (y - 42) + (277 / 2 * (1 - scrollTransitionScale)), 501, 277 * scrollTransitionScale, resources.images.selectedButtonOverImage, 1, 0) else if scrollingUp then if (index == 3 or index == 0) then gfx.GlobalAlpha(1 - scrollTransitionScale) end if (index == 2 or index == 5) then gfx.GlobalAlpha(scrollTransitionScale) end else if (index == 3 or index == 6) then gfx.GlobalAlpha(1 - scrollTransitionScale) end if (index == 1 or index == 4) then gfx.GlobalAlpha(scrollTransitionScale) end end -- Draw button background gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x, y + buttonsMovementScale * buttonHeight, 1026 / 2, 257 / 2, resources.images.unselectedButtonImage, 1, 0) -- Draw button main label gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x + 64, y + 28 + buttonsMovementScale * buttonHeight, button.labelWidth, 64, button.labelImage, 1, 0) -- Draw description gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE) gfx.FontSize(28) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.Text(button.description, x + 64, y + 18 + buttonsMovementScale * buttonHeight) gfx.GlobalAlpha(1) end end local function getCorrectedButtonIndex(from, offset) local buttonsNum = #buttons local index = from + offset if index < 1 then index = buttonsNum + (from + offset) -- this only happens if the offset is negative end if index > buttonsNum then index = offset - (buttonsNum - from) -- this only happens if the offset is positive end return index end local function draw_buttons() local indexes = { getCorrectedButtonIndex(cursorIndex, -2), getCorrectedButtonIndex(cursorIndex, -1), cursorIndex, getCorrectedButtonIndex(cursorIndex, 1), getCorrectedButtonIndex(cursorIndex, 2), } local yBase = / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER local centerButtonY = yBase - buttonHeight / 2 - 28 -- to fit with the selector bg local marginFromDesHCenter = 128 if scrollingUp then draw_button(buttons[indexes[5]], - 512, yBase - marginFromDesHCenter - buttonHeight * 3, false, 0) -- Placeholder for fadeout transition end draw_button(buttons[indexes[1]], - 512, yBase - marginFromDesHCenter - buttonHeight * 2, false, 1) draw_button(buttons[indexes[2]], - 512, yBase - marginFromDesHCenter - buttonHeight, false, 2) draw_button(buttons[indexes[3]], - 512, centerButtonY, true) -- The main selected center button if scrollingUp then draw_button(buttons[indexes[3]], - 512, yBase + marginFromDesHCenter - buttonHeight, false, 3) -- Placeholder for transition that goes to the bottom else draw_button(buttons[indexes[3]], - 512, centerButtonY, false, 3) -- Placeholder for transition that goes to the top end draw_button(buttons[indexes[4]], - 512, yBase + marginFromDesHCenter + 10, false, 4) draw_button(buttons[indexes[5]], - 512, yBase + marginFromDesHCenter + buttonHeight + 10, false, 5) if not scrollingUp then draw_button(buttons[indexes[1]], - 512, yBase + marginFromDesHCenter + buttonHeight * 2, false, 6) end end local function drawTexts() local currentFullDescriptionText = buttons[cursorIndex].details gfx.BeginPath() gfx.UpdateLabel(resources.labels.selectorDescriptionLabel, currentFullDescriptionText, 22) gfx.BeginPath() -- gfx.UpdateLabel(resources.labels.selectorLegendScrollLabel, 'SCROLL', 20) -- descriptionAlpha = math.abs(selectedButtonScaleY - 0.5) * 2 gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE) -- Description gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, math.floor(scrollTransitionScale * 255)) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.DrawLabel(resources.labels.selectorDescriptionLabel, 64, / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER - 52) -- Legend on the selector gfx.FillColor(217, 177, 126) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.DrawLabel(resources.labels.selectorLegendScrollLabel, 118, / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER + 56) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.DrawLabel(resources.labels.selectorLegendSelectLabel, 360, / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER + 56) gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255) end local function drawHeader() gfx.BeginPath() gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0, BAR_ALPHA) gfx.Rect(0, 0,, HEADER_HEIGHT) gfx.Fill() gfx.ClosePath() gfx.ImageRect( / 2 - 200, HEADER_HEIGHT / 2 - 20, 400, 40, resources.images.headerTitleImage, 1, 0) end local function draw_titlescreen(deltaTime) gfx.LoadSkinFont("segoeui.ttf") -- Draw background gfx.BeginPath() Background.draw(deltaTime) local idolAnimTickRes = gfx.TickAnimation(resources.anims.idolAnimation, deltaTime) if idolAnimTickRes == 1 then gfx.GlobalAlpha(idolAnimTransitionScale) idolAnimTransitionScale = idolAnimTransitionScale + 1 / 60 if (idolAnimTransitionScale > 1) then idolAnimTransitionScale = 1 end gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(0, 0,,, resources.anims.idolAnimation, 1, 0) gfx.GlobalAlpha(1) end -- Draw selector background gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(0, ( / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER) - 280 / 2, 1079, 280, resources.images.selectorBgImage, 1, 0) buttonY = ( / 2) - 2 * (257 + 5) draw_buttons() drawTexts() -- Draw the arrows around the selected button gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect( - 512, / 2 + SELECTOR_BAR_OFFSET_FROM_CENTER - buttonHeight - 8, 501, 300, resources.images.selectorArrowsImage, 1, 0) -- Draw top and bottom bars drawHeader() Footer.draw(deltaTime) end local function tickTransitions(deltaTime) scrollTransitionScale = scrollTransitionScale + deltaTime / 0.2 if (scrollTransitionScale > 1) then scrollTransitionScale = 1 end if scrollingUp then buttonsMovementScale = 1 - scrollTransitionScale else buttonsMovementScale = -1 + scrollTransitionScale end end local function render(deltaTime) if not playedBgm then game.PlaySample(resources.audiosamples.bgm, true) playedBgm = true end game.SetSkinSetting("_currentScreen", "title") Dim.updateResolution() Wallpaper.render() Dim.transformToScreenSpace() tickTransitions(deltaTime) draw_titlescreen(deltaTime) if (triggerServiceMenu) then triggerServiceMenu = false return {eventType = "switch", toScreen = "service"} end end local function callButtonAction() if buttons[cursorIndex].action == nil then setButtonActions() end buttons[cursorIndex].action() end local function onKnobsChange(direction) cursorIndex = util.modIndex(cursorIndex + direction, #buttons) scrollTransitionScale = 0 -- Reset transitions and play them scrollingUp = false if ((cursorIndex > oldCursorIndex and not (cursorIndex == 6 and oldCursorIndex == 1)) or (cursorIndex == 1 and oldCursorIndex == 6)) then scrollingUp = true end game.PlaySample(resources.audiosamples.cursorChange) oldCursorIndex = cursorIndex end local function onButtonPressed(button) if button == game.BUTTON_STA then game.PlaySample(resources.audiosamples.cursorSelect) game.StopSample(resources.audiosamples.bgm) callButtonAction() elseif button == game.BUTTON_BCK then Menu.Exit() elseif button == game.BUTTON_FXR then triggerServiceMenu = true end end local function onMousePressed(button) local mousePosX, mousePosY = Dim.toViewSpace(game.GetMousePos()) local changeIndex = 0 if button ~= 0 then return end if util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.mainButton.x, miscButtons.mainButton.y, miscButtons.mainButton.w, miscButtons.mainButton.h) then game.StopSample(resources.audiosamples.bgm) game.PlaySample(resources.audiosamples.cursorSelect) callButtonAction() return elseif util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.upArrow.x, miscButtons.upArrow.y, miscButtons.upArrow.w, miscButtons.upArrow.h) or util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.upButton1.x, miscButtons.upButton1.y, miscButtons.upButton1.w, miscButtons.upButton1.h) then changeIndex = -1 scrollTransitionScale = 0 scrollingUp = false elseif util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.downArrow.x, miscButtons.downArrow.y, miscButtons.downArrow.w, miscButtons.downArrow.h) or util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.downButton1.x, miscButtons.downButton1.y, miscButtons.downButton1.w, miscButtons.downButton1.h) then changeIndex = 1 scrollTransitionScale = 0 scrollingUp = true elseif util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.upButton2.x, miscButtons.upButton2.y, miscButtons.upButton2.w, miscButtons.upButton2.h) then changeIndex = -2 scrollTransitionScale = 0 scrollingUp = false elseif util.areaOverlap(mousePosX, mousePosY, miscButtons.downButton2.x, miscButtons.downButton2.y, miscButtons.downButton2.w, miscButtons.downButton2.h) then changeIndex = 2 scrollTransitionScale = 0 scrollingUp = true end cursorIndex = util.modIndex(cursorIndex + changeIndex, #buttons) game.PlaySample(resources.audiosamples.cursorChange) end return { render = render, onKnobsChange = onKnobsChange, onButtonPressed = onButtonPressed, onMousePressed = onMousePressed, }