local Easing = require('common.easings') local bgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/bg.png", 0) local bgHexTopImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/top_hex.png", 0) local bgHexBottomImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/bottom_hex.png", 0) local enterFlareBlueImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/flares/blue_transition_flare.png", 0) local enterFlarePinkImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/flares/pink_transition_flare.png", 0) local trackCompImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/track_comp.png", 0) local trackCompBlurImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/track_comp_blur.png", 0) local particleRedBall = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/red_ball.png", 0) local particleRedRing = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/red_ring.png", 0) local particleYellowRing = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/yellow_ring.png", 0) local particleSmallRainbowRing = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/small_rainbow_ring.png", 0) local particleSmYellowRingA = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/small_yellow_ring_1.png", 0) local particleSmYellowRingB = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/small_yellow_ring_2.png", 0) local particleSmYellowRingC = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/track_end/particles/small_yellow_ring_4.png", 0) local outroTransitionScale = 0; local outroTransitionGlobalAlpha = 0; local outroTransitionEnterFlareX = -1920; local outroTransitionTextCutX = 0; local outroTransitionTextAlpha = 1; local outroTransitionTextBlurAlpha = 0; local outroTransitionParticleRedX = -500; local outroTransitionParticleSmallRainbowX = 1080; local outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingAX = 1080; local outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingBX = 1080; local outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingCX = 1080; local tickTransitions = function (deltaTime) if outroTransitionScale < 1 then outroTransitionScale = outroTransitionScale + deltaTime / 3.5 -- transition should last for that time in seconds else outroTransitionScale = 1 end outroTransitionGlobalAlpha = math.min(1, (outroTransitionScale*6)) outroTransitionEnterFlareX = math.min(2*1920, ( (outroTransitionScale-0.2)/0.1* -- Last from 0.2 transition scale for 0.1 transition scale, ending at 0.3 TS (1920*2) -- move this amount during the transition )-1920); -- start off-screen outroTransitionTextCutX = math.min(1920, ( (outroTransitionScale-0.25)/0.2* -- Last from 0.25 transition scale for 0.2 transition scale, ending at 0.45 TS (1920) -- reveal this amount during the transition (the whole width) )-0); -- start from 0 local particleTransitionScale = Easing.outQuad(math.min(1, (outroTransitionScale-0.25)/0.2) -- Last from 0.25 transition scale for 0.2 transition scale, ending at 0.45 TS ) outroTransitionParticleRedX = math.min(1080+150, ( particleTransitionScale* (1080+150) )-500); outroTransitionParticleSmallRainbowX = math.max(-1080-250, ( particleTransitionScale* (-1080-250) )+1080); outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingAX = math.max(-1080+0, ( particleTransitionScale* (-1080+0) )+1080); outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingBX = math.max(-1080+250, ( particleTransitionScale* (-1080+250) )+1080); outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingCX = math.max(-1080+200, ( particleTransitionScale* (-1080+200) )+1080); -- if (outroTransitionScale > 0.45 and outroTransitionScale < 0.5) then -- if (outroTransitionScale <= 0.475) then -- outroTransitionTextAlpha = 1-(0.5*((outroTransitionScale-0.45)/0.075)) -- else -- outroTransitionTextAlpha = 0.5+0.5*((outroTransitionScale-0.475)/0.075) -- end -- else -- outroTransitionTextAlpha = 1; -- end end local drawParticles = function () gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleRedX-80, 510-80, 787*0.7, 818*0.7, particleYellowRing, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleRedX, 510, 787*0.5, 818*0.5, particleRedBall, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleRedX, 510, 787*0.5, 818*0.5, particleRedRing, 1, 0 ); -- Right side gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleSmallRainbowX, 465, 1117*0.5, 1117*0.5, particleSmallRainbowRing, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingAX, 575, 579*0.5, 557*0.5, particleSmYellowRingA, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingBX, 585, 436*0.5, 392*0.5, particleSmYellowRingB, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionParticleSmallYellowRingCX, 625, 275*0.5, 275*0.5, particleSmYellowRingC, 1, 0 ); end local render = function (deltaTime) tickTransitions(deltaTime); gfx.GlobalAlpha(outroTransitionGlobalAlpha); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( 0, 0, 2160*0.5, 3840*0.5, bgImage, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( 0, 0, 2160*0.5, 1921*0.5, bgHexTopImage, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( 0, 1920-(1921*0.5), 2160*0.5, 1921*0.5, bgHexBottomImage, 1, 0 ); -- Enter flares gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( outroTransitionEnterFlareX, 530, 3280*0.5, 790*0.5, enterFlareBlueImage, 1, 0 ); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.ImageRect( -outroTransitionEnterFlareX, -- go from the other side of the screen 530, 3280*0.5, 790*0.5, enterFlarePinkImage, 1, 0 ); drawParticles(); gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.Scissor(0, 530, outroTransitionTextCutX, 1920) gfx.GlobalAlpha(outroTransitionTextAlpha); gfx.ImageRect( 0, 680, 2160*0.5, 177*0.5, trackCompImage, 1, 0 ); gfx.GlobalAlpha(outroTransitionGlobalAlpha); gfx.ResetScissor(); -- Get the banner downscaled in whatever resolution it is, while maintaining the aspect ratio -- local tw,th = gfx.ImageSize(bannerBaseImage); -- BANNER_H = th * (1080/tw); -- gfx.BeginPath(); -- gfx.ImageRect( -- 0, -- 0, -- BANNER_W, -- BANNER_H, -- bannerBaseImage, -- 1, -- 0 -- ); end return { render=render }