require "common.class" ---@type AudioSample local exclusiveAudioSample = nil ---@class AudioSample ---@field path string ---@field exclusive boolean ---@field loop boolean ---@field playing boolean local AudioSample = {} ---Create new AudioSample instance ---@param o AudioSample ---@return AudioSample function assert(o.path, " did not receive path to audio sample") o.exclusive = o.exclusive or false o.loop = o.loop or false game.LoadSkinSample(o.path) return CreateInstance(AudioSample, o) end function AudioSample:play() if not self.playing then if self.exclusive then if exclusiveAudioSample and self ~= exclusiveAudioSample then exclusiveAudioSample:stop() end exclusiveAudioSample = self end self.playing = true game.PlaySample(self.path) end end function AudioSample:stop() if self.playing then if self.exclusive and self == exclusiveAudioSample then exclusiveAudioSample = nil end self.playing = false game.StopSample(self.path) end end return AudioSample