gfx.LoadSkinFont("segoeui.ttf") -- Memo class ------------- Memo = {} = function() local this = { cache = {} } setmetatable(this, {__index = Memo}) return this end Memo.memoize = function(this, key, generator) local value = this.cache[key] if not value then value = generator() this.cache[key] = value end return value end -- Image class -------------- Image = { ANCHOR_LEFT = 1, ANCHOR_CENTER = 2, ANCHOR_RIGHT = 4, ANCHOR_TOP = 8, ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 16 } = function(filename, imageFlags) imageFlags = imageFlags or 0 local image = gfx.CreateSkinImage(filename, imageFlags) return Image.wrap(image) end Image.wrap = function(image) local this = { image = image } local w, h = gfx.ImageSize(this.image) this.w = w this.h = h setmetatable(this, {__index = Image}) return this end Image.draw = function(this, params) local x = params.x local y = params.y local w = params.w or this.w local h = params.h or this.h local alpha = params.alpha or 1 local angle = params.angle or 0 local anchor_h = params.anchor_h or Image.ANCHOR_CENTER local anchor_v = params.anchor_v or Image.ANCHOR_CENTER local scale = params.scale or 1; w = w * scale; h = h * scale; if anchor_h == Image.ANCHOR_CENTER then x = x - w / 2 elseif anchor_h == Image.ANCHOR_RIGHT then x = x - w end if anchor_v == Image.ANCHOR_CENTER then y = y - h / 2 elseif anchor_v == Image.ANCHOR_BOTTOM then y = y - h end gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x, y, w, h, this.image, alpha, angle) end -- ImageFont class ------------------ ImageFont = {} = function(path, chars) local this = { images = {} } -- load character images for i = 1, chars:len() do local c = chars:sub(i, i) local n = c if c == "." then n = "dot" end local image ="%s/%s.png", path, n), 0) this.images[c] = image end -- use size of first char as font size local w, h = gfx.ImageSize(this.images[chars:sub(1, 1)].image) this.w = w this.h = h setmetatable(this, {__index = ImageFont}) return this end ImageFont.draw = function(this, text, x, y, alpha, hFlag, vFlag) local totalW = text:len() * this.w -- adjust horizontal alignment if hFlag == gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER then x = x - totalW / 2 elseif hFlag == gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT then x = x - totalW end -- adjust vertical alignment if vFlag == gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE then y = y - this.h / 2 elseif vFlag == gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM then y = y - this.h end for i = 1, text:len() do local c = text:sub(i, i) local image = this.images[c] if image ~= nil then gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x, y, this.w, this.h, image.image, alpha, 0) end x = x + this.w end end function GetDisplayDifficulty(jacketPath, difficulty) local strippedPath = string.match(jacketPath:lower(), "[/\\][^\\/]+$") if difficulty == 3 and strippedPath then if string.find(strippedPath, "inf") ~= nil then return 5 elseif string.find(strippedPath, "grv") ~= nil then return 6 elseif string.find(strippedPath, "hvn") ~= nil then return 7 elseif string.find(strippedPath, "vvd") ~= nil then return 8 end end return difficulty+1 end function split(s, delimiter) result = {}; for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do table.insert(result, match); end return result; end