local desw = 1080; local desh = 1920; local scale = 1; local BAR_ALPHA = 191; local HEADER_HEIGHT = 100 local headerY = 0; local animationHeaderGlowScale = 0; local animationHeaderGlowAlpha = 0; -- Images local headerTitleImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("challenge_select/skill_analyzer.png", gfx.IMAGE_GENERATE_MIPMAPS) local drawHeader = function () gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.FillColor(0,0,0,BAR_ALPHA); gfx.Rect(0,0,desw, HEADER_HEIGHT); gfx.Fill(); gfx.ClosePath() local headerImageWidth, headerImageHeight = gfx.ImageSize(headerTitleImage) gfx.ImageRect( (desw - headerImageWidth) / 2, (HEADER_HEIGHT - headerImageHeight) / 2 - 12, -- asset png is not centered on the y axis headerImageWidth, headerImageHeight, headerTitleImage, 1, 0 ) end local progressTransitions = function (deltatime) -- HEADER GLOW ANIMATION if animationHeaderGlowScale < 1 then animationHeaderGlowScale = animationHeaderGlowScale + deltatime / 1 -- transition should last for that time in seconds else animationHeaderGlowScale = 0 end if animationHeaderGlowScale < 0.5 then animationHeaderGlowAlpha = animationHeaderGlowScale * 2; else animationHeaderGlowAlpha = 1-((animationHeaderGlowScale-0.5) * 2); end animationHeaderGlowAlpha = animationHeaderGlowAlpha*0.4 end local draw = function (deltatime) gfx.Save() gfx.LoadSkinFont("NotoSans-Regular.ttf"); drawHeader(); --progressTransitions(deltatime); gfx.Restore() end return { draw = draw };