require("common.class") local ServicePage = require("") local ListField = require("titlescreen.common.listfield") local ColorGradientField = require("titlescreen.service.colorgradientfield") ---@class ColorCheckPage: ServicePage local ColorCheckPage = { __name = "ColorCheckPage", PADDING = {56, 120, 0, 56}, --{left, top, right, bottom} GRADIENT_SPACING = 32, SEPARATOR_LINE_COLOR = {255, 255, 255, 255}, SEPARATOR_LINE_WIDTH = 4, SEPARATOR_ARROW_SIZE = 16, SEPARATOR_ARROW_MARGIN = 2, SEPARATOR_ARROW_LINE_WIDTH = 1 } ---Create a new ColorCheckPage instance ---@param params? ColorCheckPage # initial parameters ---@return ColorCheckPage function params = params or {} params.title = params.title or "COLOR CHECK" params.footer = params.footer or { "START BUTTON = EXIT", "BACK BUTTON = EXIT" } local self = CreateInstance(ColorCheckPage, params, ServicePage) local height = ColorCheckPage.GRADIENT_SPACING local list = list:addField({label = "RED", value = {255, 0, 0, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:addField({label = "YELLOW", value = {255, 255, 0, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:addField({label = "GREEN", value = {0, 255, 0, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:addField({label = "CYAN", value = {0, 255, 255, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:addField({label = "BLUE", value = {0, 0, 255, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:addField({label = "MAGENTA", value = {255, 0, 255, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:addField({label = "WHITE", value = {255, 255, 255, 255}, aabbH = height}) list:refreshFields() self:addField(list) self:refreshFields() return self end ---@param button integer # options are under the `game` table prefixed with `BUTTON` function ColorCheckPage:handleButtonInput(button) if button == game.BUTTON_BCK or button == game.BUTTON_STA then if self.viewHandler then self.viewHandler:back() end end end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ColorCheckPage:_drawSeparator(deltaTime) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.Rect(ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_X_OFFSET, 0, ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_WIDTH, self.SEPARATOR_LINE_WIDTH) gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.SEPARATOR_LINE_COLOR)) gfx.Fill() end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ColorCheckPage:_drawArrows(deltaTime) local stepW = ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_WIDTH / ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_STEPS gfx.BeginPath() for i = 0, 3 do local posX = ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_X_OFFSET + i * stepW gfx.MoveTo(posX + self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_MARGIN, self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_SIZE - self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_MARGIN) gfx.LineTo(posX + stepW / 2, self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_MARGIN) gfx.LineTo(posX + stepW - self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_MARGIN, self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_SIZE - self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_MARGIN) end gfx.StrokeColor(table.unpack(self.SEPARATOR_LINE_COLOR)) gfx.StrokeWidth(self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_LINE_WIDTH) gfx.Stroke() end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ColorCheckPage:_drawArrowText(deltaTime) local stepW = ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_WIDTH / ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_STEPS local textCenterX = ColorGradientField.GRADIENT_X_OFFSET + 2 * stepW gfx.BeginPath() gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER | gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) gfx.FontSize(self.FONT_SIZE) gfx.LoadSkinFont(self.FONT_FACE) gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.FONT_COLOR)) gfx.Text("COLORLESS", textCenterX, 0) end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ColorCheckPage:drawBackground(deltaTime) ServicePage.drawBackground(self, deltaTime) gfx.Save() gfx.Translate(self.PADDING[1], self.PADDING[2]) local list = self.content[1] local posX = list.posX local posY = list.posY + list.aabbH gfx.Translate(posX, posY) self:_drawSeparator(deltaTime) gfx.Translate(0, self.SEPARATOR_LINE_WIDTH) self:_drawArrows(deltaTime) gfx.Translate(0, self.SEPARATOR_ARROW_SIZE) self:_drawArrowText(deltaTime) gfx.Restore() end return ColorCheckPage