require "common.globals" local Version = require "common.version" local Dim = require "" local Image = require "" local Page = require "" local versionString = Version.long_version() ---@class TitlePage : Page ---@field background_img Image local TitlePage = { __name = "TitlePage", BACKGROUND_IMG_PATH = "titlescreen/title/background.png", } function local self = CreateInstance(TitlePage, params, Page) self.background_img = self.background_img:setPosition(0, 0) self.background_img:setSize(, return self end function TitlePage:handleButtonInput(button) if button == game.BUTTON_FXR and game.GetButton(game.BUTTON_FXL) or button == game.BUTTON_FXL and game.GetButton(game.BUTTON_FXR) then self:onInvalidation(true) -- true to switch to service menu end if button == game.BUTTON_STA then self:onInvalidation() end end function TitlePage:drawBackground(deltaTime) self.background_img:render() end function TitlePage:drawForeground(deltaTime) gfx.LoadSkinFont("segoeui.ttf") gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255) gfx.StrokeColor(0, 0, 0) gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) gfx.FontSize(28) gfx.StrokeWidth(1) gfx.Text(versionString, 10, 10) end return TitlePage