require("common.class") local Dim = require("common.dimensions") local Util = require("common.util") local Page = require("") local ServiceField = require("titlescreen.fields.service.servicefield") ---@class ServicePage: Page ---@field title string|string[] ---@field selectedIndex integer ---@field footer string[] ---@field content ServiceField[] local ServicePage = { __tostring = function() return "ServicePage" end, FONT_SIZE = ServiceField.FONT_SIZE, FONT_FACE = ServiceField.FONT_FACE, FONT_COLOR = ServiceField.FONT_COLOR, --{r, g, b, a} PADDING = {92, 128, 0, 56}, --{left, top, right, bottom} PAGE_PADDING = {16, 16, 16, 16}, --{left, top, right, bottom} FOOTER = { "A/B BUTTON = SELECT ITEM", "START BUTTON = EXECUTE", "BACK BUTTON = EXIT" }, FOOTER_SPACING = ServiceField.FONT_SIZE + ServiceField.MARGIN[2] + ServiceField.MARGIN[4], } ---Create a new ServicePage instance ---@param o? table # initial parameters ---@return ServicePage function ServicePage:new(o) o = o or {} o.title = o.title or "" o.selectedIndex = o.selectedIndex or 1 o.footer = o.footer or self.FOOTER return Inherit(self, o, Page) end ---Refresh content values function ServicePage:refreshFields() for index, field in ipairs(self.content) do if index == self.selectedIndex then field:focus() else field:deactivate() end end Page.refreshFields(self) end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ServicePage:drawBackground(deltaTime) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0) gfx.Rect(0, 0,, gfx.Fill() end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ServicePage:drawHeader(deltaTime) local pageTitleTopPadding = self.PAGE_PADDING[2] local lineHeight = self.FOOTER_SPACING gfx.BeginPath() gfx.FontSize(self.FONT_SIZE) gfx.LoadSkinFont(self.FONT_FACE) gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.FONT_COLOR)) gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER | gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) if type(self.title) == "table" then for index, line in ipairs(self.title) do gfx.Text(line, / 2, pageTitleTopPadding + (index-1) * lineHeight) end elseif type(self.title) == "string" then gfx.Text(self.title, / 2, pageTitleTopPadding) end end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function ServicePage:drawFooter(deltaTime) local footer = self.content[self.selectedIndex] and self.content[self.selectedIndex].footer or self.footer local pageFooterBottomPadding = self.PADDING[4] local lineHeight = self.FOOTER_SPACING gfx.BeginPath() gfx.FontSize(self.FONT_SIZE) gfx.LoadSkinFont(self.FONT_FACE) gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.FONT_COLOR)) gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER | gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM) local yFooterBase if type(footer) == "table" then yFooterBase = - pageFooterBottomPadding - #footer * lineHeight for index, line in ipairs(footer) do gfx.Text(line, / 2, yFooterBase + (index-1) * lineHeight) end elseif type(footer) == "string" then yFooterBase = - pageFooterBottomPadding gfx.Text(footer, / 2, yFooterBase) end end ---@param button integer # options are under the `game` table prefixed with `BUTTON` function ServicePage:handleButtonInput(button) local field = self.content[self.selectedIndex] if field and field.handleButtonInput then -- if the field indicates that the button input has been handled in a -- way that requires no further processing, return from this function if field:handleButtonInput(button) then return end end -- default behaviour field:deactivate() local direction = 0 if button == game.BUTTON_BCK then if self.viewHandler then self.viewHandler:back() end return end if button == game.BUTTON_BTA then direction = -1 elseif button == game.BUTTON_BTB then direction = 1 end self.selectedIndex = Util.modIndex(self.selectedIndex + direction, #self.content) field = self.content[self.selectedIndex] field:focus({direction = direction}) -- send direction as the message end ---@param knob integer # `0` = Left, `1` = Right ---@param delta number # in radians, `-2*pi` to `0` (turning CCW) and `0` to `2*pi` (turning CW) function ServicePage:handleKnobInput(knob, delta) if self.content[self.selectedIndex] and self.content[self.selectedIndex].handleKnobInput then self.content[self.selectedIndex].handleKnobInput(knob, delta) end end return ServicePage