require "common.class" require "" local Image = require "api.image" ---@class AnimationParams ---@field fps number? ---@field loop boolean? ---@field loopPoint integer? ---@field width number? ---@field height number? ---@field x number? ---@field y number? ---@field scaleX number? ---@field scaleY number? ---@field centered boolean? ---@field blendOp integer? ---@field color number[]? ---@field alpha number? ---@field stroke StrokeParams? ---@class Animation ---@field frames Image[] ---@field frameCount integer ---@field frameTime number ---@field loop boolean ---@field loopPoint integer ---@field width number? ---@field height number? ---@field x number? ---@field y number? ---@field scaleX number? ---@field scaleY number? ---@field centered boolean? ---@field blendOp integer? ---@field color number[]? ---@field alpha number? ---@field stroke StrokeParams? local Animation = { }; ---@class AnimationState ---@field animation Animation # The animation data this state is playing through ---@field frameIndex integer # Current frame in the animation ---@field timer number # Timer used to determine when to change to the next frame ---@field running boolean # Is the animation currently running and accepting updates? ---@field callback function? # Called when the animation completes local AnimationState = { }; local function loadSequentialAnimationFrames(animPath) local frames = { }; local count = 0; local detectedFormat = nil; while (true) do local frame = nil; if (detectedFormat) then frame =, count + 1), true); else for i = 1, 4 do local format = '%s/%0' .. i .. 'd.png'; frame =, count + 1), true); if (frame) then detectedFormat = format; break; end end end if (not frame) then break; end count = count + 1; frames[count] = frame; end return frames, count; end ---Animation constructor ---@param animPath string ---@param params AnimationParams ---@return Animation function, params) local frames, frameCount = loadSequentialAnimationFrames(animPath); local instance = { frames = frames, frameCount = frameCount, frameTime = 1 / (params.fps or 30), loop = params.loop or false, loopPoint = params.loopPoint or 1, }; if (params.width ~= nil) then instance.width = params.width; end if (params.height ~= nil) then instance.height = params.height; end if (params.x ~= nil) then instance.x = params.x; end if (params.y ~= nil) then instance.y = params.y; end if (params.scaleX ~= nil) then instance.scaleX = params.scaleX; end if (params.scaleY ~= nil) then instance.scaleY = params.scaleY; end if (params.centered ~= nil) then instance.centered = params.centered; end if (params.blendOp ~= nil) then instance.blendOp = params.blendOp; end if (params.color ~= nil) then instance.color = params.color; end if (params.alpha ~= nil) then instance.alpha = params.alpha; end if (params.stroke ~= nil) then instance.stroke = params.stroke; end return CreateInstance(Animation, instance); end ---Create an AnimationState to play this animation. ---The AnimationState is not started. ---@param callback function? ---@return AnimationState function Animation:createState(callback) ---@type AnimationState local state = { animation = self, callback = callback, frameIndex = 1, timer = 0, running = false }; return CreateInstance(AnimationState, state); end ---Create an AnimationState to play this animation and start it. ---@param callback function? ---@return AnimationState function Animation:start(callback) local state = self:createState(callback); state:start(); return state; end ---Start this AnimationState. ---Does nothing if it's already running. function AnimationState:start() self.running = true; end ---Restart this AnimationState. ---The frame index is reset to 1. function AnimationState:restart() self.running = true; self.frameIndex = 1; self.timer = 0; end ---Stop this AnimationState. function AnimationState:stop() self.running = false; end ---Updates this AnimationState and then rendersit, passing on the given ImageParams to each frame. ---@param deltaTime number ---@param params? ImageParams function AnimationState:render(deltaTime, params) if (not self.running) then return; end; self.timer = self.timer + deltaTime; while (self.timer > self.animation.frameTime) do self.timer = self.timer - self.animation.frameTime; self.frameIndex = self.frameIndex + 1; if (self.frameIndex > self.animation.frameCount) then if (self.animation.loop) then self.frameIndex = self.animation.loopPoint; else self.running = false; if (self.callback) then self.callback(); end return; end end end if (params) then if (params.width == nil) then params.width = self.animation.width; end if (params.height == nil) then params.height = self.animation.height; end if (params.x == nil) then params.x = self.animation.x; end if (params.y == nil) then params.y = self.animation.y; end if (params.scaleX == nil) then params.scaleX = self.animation.scaleX; end if (params.scaleY == nil) then params.scaleY = self.animation.scaleY; end if (params.centered == nil) then params.centered = self.animation.centered; end if (params.blendOp == nil) then params.blendOp = self.animation.blendOp; end if (params.alpha == nil) then params.alpha = self.animation.alpha; end if (params.stroke == nil) then params.stroke = self.animation.stroke; end end local frame = self.animation.frames[self.frameIndex]; if (not frame) then -- TODO(local): what do else frame:render(params); end end return Animation;