require "common.class" require "" ---@class ImageParams ---@field width number ---@field height number ---@field x number? ---@field y number? ---@field scaleX number? ---@field scaleY number? ---@field centered boolean? ---@field blendOp integer? ---@field color number[]? ---@field alpha number? ---@field stroke StrokeParams? ---@class Image ---@field handle integer ---@field width number ---@field height number ---@field x number? ---@field y number? ---@field scaleX number? ---@field scaleY number? ---@field centered boolean? ---@field blendOp integer? ---@field color number[]? ---@field alpha number? ---@field stroke StrokeParams? local Image = { }; ---Image constructor ---@param imagePath string # The path to the skin image to load ---@return Image function, noFallback) local handle = gfx.CreateSkinImage(imagePath or '', 0); if (not handle) then game.Log('Failed to load image "' .. imagePath .. '"', game.LOGGER_ERROR); if (noFallback) then return nil; end handle = gfx.CreateSkinImage('missing.png', 0); if (not handle) then game.Log('Failed to load fallback image "missing.png"', game.LOGGER_ERROR); end end local width, height = 64, 64; if (handle) then width, height = gfx.ImageSize(handle); end local instance = { handle = handle, width = width, height = height, }; return CreateInstance(Image, instance); end ---Set the width and height of this Image. ---@param width number ---@param height number ---@return Image # Returns self for method chaining function Image:setSize(width, height) if (type(width) ~= "number") then width = 0; end if (type(height) ~= "number") then height = 0; end self.width = width; self.height = height; return self; end ---Set the stored position for this Image. ---If the position of this Image will not change frequently, ---using this method allows you to cache the render position ---instead of passing it to the render method on each invocation. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@return Image # Returns self for method chaining function Image:setPosition(x, y) if (type(x) ~= "number") then x = 0; end if (type(y) ~= "number") then y = 0; end self.x = x; self.y = y; return self; end ---Renders this Image, applying any of the given ImageParams, ---then any of the cached Image fields, then any default values. ---@param params? ImageParams function Image:render(params) params = params or { }; local sx = params.scaleX or self.scaleX or 1; local sy = params.scaleY or self.scaleY or 1; local x = params.x or self.x or 0; local y = params.y or self.y or 0; local w = (params.width or self.width ) * sx; local h = (params.height or self.height) * sy; if (params.centered or self.centered) then x = x - w / 2; y = y - h / 2; end local blendOp = params.blendOp or self.blendOp or gfx.BLEND_OP_SOURCE_OVER; local r = 255; local g = 255; local b = 255; if (params.color) then r = params.color[1]; g = params.color[2]; b = params.color[3]; elseif (self.color) then r = self.color[1]; g = self.color[2]; b = self.color[3]; end local a = params.alpha or self.alpha or 1; gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.GlobalCompositeOperation(blendOp); if (not self.handle) then gfx.FillColor(r, g, b, a); gfx.Rect(x, y, w, h); gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, 255); else gfx.SetImageTint(r, g, b); gfx.ImageRect(x, y, w, h, self.handle, a, 0); gfx.SetImageTint(255, 255, 255); end if (params.stroke or self.stroke) then r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; if (params.stroke.color) then r = params.stroke.color[1]; g = params.stroke.color[2]; b = params.stroke.color[3]; elseif (self.stroke and self.stroke.color) then r = self.stroke.color[1]; g = self.stroke.color[2]; b = self.stroke.color[3]; end a = params.stroke.alpha or (self.stroke and self.stroke.alpha) or 255; local size = params.stroke.size or (self.stroke and self.stroke.size) or 1; gfx.StrokeColor(r, g, b, a); gfx.StrokeWidth(size); gfx.Stroke(); end end return Image;