require("common.class") local Dim = require("common.dimensions") local Page = require("") local CheckUpdateField = require("titlescreen.fields.boot.checkupdatefield") local DialogField = require("titlescreen.fields.boot.dialogfield") ---@class CheckUpdatePage: Page ---@field _focusedField CheckUpdateField local CheckUpdatePage = { __tostring = function() return "CheckUpdatePage" end, } ---Create a new CheckUpdatePage instance ---@param o? table # initial parameters ---@return CheckUpdatePage function local this = CreateInstance(CheckUpdatePage, o, Page) local width = DialogField.DEFAULT_WIDTH local height = DialogField.DEFAULT_HEIGHT local posX = ( - width) / 2 local posY = ( - height) / 2 this._updateDialogField ={ posX = posX, posY = posY, aabbW = width, aabbH = height, HEADER = { title = "Updates found", code = "0-1000-0000" }, TEXT = { "An update is available to Unnamed SDVX Clone,", "please update to receive the latest features." }, LEGEND = { { label = "BACK BUTTON", text = "ABORT UPDATE/START GAME" }, { label = "START BUTTON", text = "GO TO SERVICE PAGE" } } } this._updateDialogField.handleButtonInput = function (self, button) if not this.viewHandler then return false end if button == game.BUTTON_BCK then this.viewHandler:clear() -- Cancel update, close screen return true elseif button == game.BUTTON_STA then -- NOTE: this is a huge ass hack, please rethink local MainMenuPage = require("titlescreen.pages.service.mainmenupage") local VersionInfoPage = require("titlescreen.pages.service.versioninfopage") this.viewHandler:replace( this.viewHandler:navigate( return true end return false end this._checkUpdateField ={posX = 32, posY = 64, label = "update check"} this._checkUpdateField.onUpdateAvailable = function(url, version) this:addField(this._updateDialogField) this._focusedField = this._updateDialogField end this:addField(this._checkUpdateField) this._focusedField = this._checkUpdateField return this end function CheckUpdatePage:handleButtonInput(button) if self._focusedField and self._focusedField:handleButtonInput(button) then return -- stop processing input end if button == game.BUTTON_BCK then self.viewHandler:back() end end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function CheckUpdatePage:drawBackground(deltaTime) gfx.BeginPath() gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0) gfx.Rect(0, 0,, gfx.Fill() end return CheckUpdatePage