require("") GameConfig = {} ---Find patterns in file ---@param path string # relative path to game file ---@param pattern string # search pattern ---@return table? matches # {{group1, group2, ...}, ...} ---@return string? errmsg local function match_all(path, pattern) local matches = {} local text, err =, "r") if not text then return nil, err end for line in text:lines() do if line:match(pattern) then table.insert(matches, {line:match(pattern)}) end end return matches end function GameConfig.refresh() local config, err = match_all("Main.cfg", "(%w*)%s*=%s*\"?([^\"%s]*)\"?") if not config then game.Log("Unable to refresh GameConfig, " .. err, game.LOGGER_ERROR) return end for _, match in ipairs(config) do GameConfig[match[1]] = match[2] end end GameConfig.refresh()