require('common') local Easing = require('common.easing'); local resx, resy = game.GetResolution() local desw, desh = 1080, 1920 -- AUDIO game.LoadSkinSample('sort_wheel/enter.wav'); game.LoadSkinSample('sort_wheel/leave.wav'); -- IMAGES local panelBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage('song_select/sort_wheel/bg.png', 0) local activeItemBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage( 'song_select/sort_wheel/active_bg.png', 0) local titleTextImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage('song_select/sort_wheel/title.png', 0) local selection = 1; local renderedButtonLabels = {} local FONT_SIZE = 32; local MARGIN = 16; local SUB_FONT_SIZE = 26; local SUB_MARGIN = 8; local SORT_ORDER_LABEL_TEXTS = { { label = 'Title', asc = '# to A to Z to かな to 漢字', dsc = '漢字 to かな to Z to A to #' }, {label = 'Score', asc = 'Worst to best', dsc = 'Best to worst'}, {label = 'Date', asc = 'Oldest to newest', dsc = 'Newest to oldest'}, {label = 'Badge', asc = 'None to D to S', dsc = 'S to D to None'}, { label = 'Artist', asc = '# to A to Z to かな to 漢字', dsc = '漢字 to かな to Z to A to #' }, { label = 'Effector', asc = '# to A to Z to かな to 漢字', dsc = '漢字 to かな to Z to A to #' } } local transitionEnterReverse = false; local transitionEnterScale = 0; local transitionEnterOffsetX = 0; local previousActiveState = false; -- Window variables local resX, resY -- Aspect Ratios local landscapeWidescreenRatio = 16 / 9 local landscapeStandardRatio = 4 / 3 local portraitWidescreenRatio = 9 / 16 --+ 0.0035 -- Portrait sizes local fullX, fullY local resolutionChange = function(x, y) resX = x resY = y fullX = portraitWidescreenRatio * y fullY = y game.Log('resX:' .. resX .. ' // resY:' .. resY .. ' // fullX:' .. fullX .. ' // fullY:' .. fullY, game.LOGGER_ERROR); end function tableContains(table, value) for i, v in ipairs(table) do if v == value then return true end end return false; end function drawButton(i, f, x, y) local spaceAfter = (FONT_SIZE + MARGIN) local sortOrder = 'asc'; if (string.find(f, 'v')) then sortOrder = 'dsc' end local label = f:gsub(' ^', '') label = label:gsub(' v', '') if (string.find(sorts[selection], label) and sorts[selection] ~= f) then -- If there is a button active with the same label, but different sort order, don't render this one return 0; else -- If there is no active button with this label, if one with a label was already rendered, don't render this one if (tableContains(renderedButtonLabels, label)) then return 0; end table.insert(renderedButtonLabels, label); end if (i == selection) then local ascLabelText = 'Ascending' local dscLabelText = 'Descending' for i, obj in ipairs(SORT_ORDER_LABEL_TEXTS) do if (obj.label == label) then ascLabelText = obj.asc; dscLabelText = obj.dsc; end end gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x - 182, y - 38, 365, 82, activeItemBgImage, 1, 0) gfx.BeginPath() if sortOrder == 'asc' then gfx.ImageRect(x - 150, y + FONT_SIZE + SUB_MARGIN * 2 - 31, 300, 67, activeItemBgImage, 1, 0) elseif sortOrder == 'dsc' then gfx.ImageRect(x - 150, y + FONT_SIZE + SUB_MARGIN * 2 + SUB_FONT_SIZE + SUB_MARGIN - 31, 300, 67, activeItemBgImage, 1, 0) end gfx.Save() gfx.FontSize(SUB_FONT_SIZE) gfx.Text(ascLabelText, x, y + FONT_SIZE + SUB_MARGIN * 2); gfx.Text(dscLabelText, x, y + FONT_SIZE + SUB_MARGIN * 2 + SUB_FONT_SIZE + SUB_MARGIN); gfx.Restore() spaceAfter = spaceAfter + SUB_FONT_SIZE * 2 + SUB_MARGIN * 4; end gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.Text(label, x, y); return spaceAfter; end function tickTransitions(deltaTime) -- ENTRY TRANSITION if transitionEnterReverse then if transitionEnterScale > 0 then transitionEnterScale = transitionEnterScale - deltaTime / 0.25 -- transition should last for that time in seconds else transitionEnterScale = 0 end else if transitionEnterScale < 1 then transitionEnterScale = transitionEnterScale + deltaTime / 0.25 -- transition should last for that time in seconds else transitionEnterScale = 1 end end transitionEnterOffsetX = Easing.inOutQuad(1 - transitionEnterScale) * 416 end local drawSortWheel = function (x,y,w,h, deltaTime) gfx.Scissor(x,y,w,h); gfx.Translate(x,y); gfx.Scale(w/1080, h/1920); gfx.Scissor(0,0,1080,1920); -- Draw the dark overlay above song wheel gfx.BeginPath(); gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0, math.floor(transitionEnterScale * 192)); gfx.Rect(0, 0, 1080, 1920); gfx.Fill(); -- Draw the panel background gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(desw - 416 + transitionEnterOffsetX, 0, 416, desh, panelBgImage, 1, 0) gfx.LoadSkinFont("Digital-Serial-Bold.ttf"); gfx.FontSize(FONT_SIZE); gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, 255); gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE); gfx.GlobalAlpha(transitionEnterScale) -- Starting position of the first sort option local x = 889 + transitionEnterOffsetX; local y = desh / 2 - -- Center point (#sorts / 2 / 2) * (FONT_SIZE + MARGIN) - -- Space taken up by half the sort options (we remove the duplicate one) ((SUB_FONT_SIZE * 2 + SUB_MARGIN * 4) / 2); -- Space for taken by order options -- Draw the title image gfx.BeginPath() gfx.ImageRect(x - 72, y - 27, 144, 54, titleTextImage, 1, 0) y = y + (54 + MARGIN) -- Draw all the sorting options for i, f in ipairs(sorts) do local spaceAfter = drawButton(i, f, x, y); y = y + spaceAfter; end end function setSkinSetting() for i, f in ipairs(sorts) do if i == selection then local label = f:gsub(' ^', '') label = label:gsub(' v', '') game.SetSkinSetting('_songWheelActiveSortOptionLabel', label); end end end function render(deltaTime, shown) gfx.Save() gfx.ResetTransform() renderedButtonLabels = {}; if (shown ~= previousActiveState) then if (shown) then game.PlaySample('sort_wheel/enter.wav'); else game.PlaySample('sort_wheel/leave.wav'); end previousActiveState = shown; end -- detect resolution change local resx, resy = game.GetResolution(); if resx ~= resX or resy ~= resY then resolutionChange(resx, resy) end gfx.GlobalAlpha(1) if not shown then transitionEnterReverse = true if (transitionEnterScale > 0) then drawSortWheel((resX - fullX) / 2, 0, fullX, fullY, deltaTime) end else transitionEnterReverse = false drawSortWheel((resX - fullX) / 2, 0, fullX, fullY, deltaTime) end tickTransitions(deltaTime) setSkinSetting(); gfx.Restore() end function set_selection(index) selection = index end