require("common.class") local ServiceField = require("") ---@class UpdateField: ServiceField ---@field _timer number local UpdateField = { __name = "UpdateField", UPDATE_FLICKER_TIME = 0.5, UPDATE_FLICKER_COLORS = { {255, 0, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 0, 255} } } ---Create a new UpdateField instance ---@param params? UpdateField # initial parameters ---@return UpdateField function params = params or {} local self = CreateInstance(UpdateField, params, ServiceField) self._timer = 0 return self end ---@param obj? any # message object for the field function UpdateField:activate(obj) end ---@param obj? any # message object for the field function UpdateField:focus(obj) end ---@param obj? any # message object for the field function UpdateField:deactivate(obj) end ---@param button integer # options are under the `game` table prefixed with `BUTTON` ---@return boolean # true if further button input processing should be stopped, otherwise false function UpdateField:handleButtonInput(button) local url, _ = game.UpdateAvailable() if button == game.BUTTON_STA and url then Menu.Update() return true end return false end ---@param deltaTime number # frametime in seconds function UpdateField:drawValue(deltaTime) self._timer = self._timer + deltaTime local url, version = game.UpdateAvailable() gfx.Translate(self.VALUE_OFFSETX, 0) gfx.FontSize(self.FONT_SIZE) gfx.LoadSkinFont(self.FONT_FACE) gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT | gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) if url then if (self._timer % self.UPDATE_FLICKER_TIME) < self.UPDATE_FLICKER_TIME / 2 then gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.UPDATE_FLICKER_COLORS[1])) else gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.UPDATE_FLICKER_COLORS[2])) end gfx.Text("*UPDATE AVAILABLE (" .. version .. ")*", 0, 0) else gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.FONT_COLOR)) gfx.Text(self.value or "", 0, 0) end end return UpdateField