require("common.class") local Util = require("common.util") local ServiceField = require("") ---@class CheckUpdateField: ServiceField ---@field onUpdateAvailable nil|fun(url: string, version: string) ---@field _timer number local CheckUpdateField = { __name = "CheckUpdateField", PROGRESS_FREQ = 3, -- seconds CHECK_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 5, -- seconds } ---Create a new CheckUpdateField instance ---@param params? CheckUpdateField # initial parameters ---@return CheckUpdateField function params = params or {} params.onUpdateAvailable = params.onUpdateAvailable or nil local self = CreateInstance(CheckUpdateField, params, ServiceField) self._timer = 0 self._url = nil self._version = nil self._onUpdateAvailableFired = false return self end function CheckUpdateField:drawLabel(deltaTime) local text = self.label local progress = math.ceil(Util.lerp(self._timer % self.PROGRESS_FREQ, 0, 0, self.PROGRESS_FREQ, 4 )) text = text .. string.rep(".", progress) gfx.FontSize(self.FONT_SIZE) gfx.LoadSkinFont(self.FONT_FACE) gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT | gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) gfx.FillColor(table.unpack(self.FONT_COLOR)) gfx.Text(text, 0, 0) end function CheckUpdateField:drawValue(deltaTime) end function CheckUpdateField:tick(deltaTime) if not self._onUpdateAvailableFired then if self._timer > self.CHECK_UPDATE_TIMEOUT then self._url, self._version = game.UpdateAvailable() -- self._url = "" -- debug code to force onUpdateAvailable() if self._url then self.onUpdateAvailable(self._url, self._version) self._onUpdateAvailableFired = true else self:getParentPage():onInvalidation() -- Exit out of bootscreen end end end self._timer = self._timer + deltaTime end function CheckUpdateField:render(deltaTime) self:tick(deltaTime) ServiceField.render(self, deltaTime) end return CheckUpdateField