* adjust the critbar position & - legacy unused gameplay scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
-- or behaviours of the default to better suit them.
-- Skinning should be easy and fun!
local VolforceWindow = require('components.volforceWindow')
local RECT_FILL = "fill"
local RECT_STROKE = "stroke"
@ -141,8 +143,6 @@ end
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Global data used by many things: --
local resx, resy -- The resolution of the window
local resx_old = 0
local resy_old = 0
local portrait -- whether the window is in portrait orientation
local desw, desh -- The resolution of the deisign
local scale -- the scale to get from design to actual units
@ -224,14 +224,8 @@ function render(deltaTime)
-- make sure that our transform is cleared, clean working space
-- TODO: this shouldn't be necessary!!!
-- While the intro timer is running, we fade in from black
if introTimer > 0 then
gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0, math.floor(255 * math.min(introTimer, 1)))
gfx.DrawRect(RECT_FILL, 0, 0, resx, resy)
gfx.Scale(scale, scale)
local yshift = 0
-- In portrait, we draw a banner across the top
@ -309,7 +303,7 @@ function render_crit_base(deltaTime)
-- get the scaled dimensions of the crit line pieces
local clw, clh = gfx.ImageSize(critAnim)
local critAnimHeight = 9 * scale
local critAnimHeight = 12 * scale
local critAnimWidth = critAnimHeight * (clw / clh)
local cbw, cbh = gfx.ImageSize(critBar)
@ -343,7 +337,7 @@ function render_crit_base(deltaTime)
-- Draw the critical bar
gfx.DrawRect(critBar, -critWidth / 2, -critBarHeight / 2 - 5 * scale, critWidth, critBarHeight)
gfx.DrawRect(critBar, -critWidth / 2, -critBarHeight / 2 - 5 * scale + 24, critWidth, critBarHeight)
-- Draw back portion of the console
if portrait then
@ -649,7 +643,7 @@ function draw_best_diff(deltaTime, x, y)
elseif difference > 0 then
-- If we're behind the best score, separate the minus sign and change the color
gfx.FillColor(170, 160, 255)
gfx.FillColor(120, 146, 218)
difference = math.abs(difference)
prefix = "+ "
@ -685,8 +679,8 @@ function draw_score(deltaTime)
gfx.ImageRect(desw - tw + 12, portrait and 50 or 0, tw, th, scoreBack, 1, 0)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
draw_number(desw - 305, portrait and 132 or 64, 1.0, math.floor(score / 10000), 4, scoreNumber, true, 0.40, 1.12)
draw_number(desw - 110, portrait and 137 or 68, 1.0, score, 4, scoreNumber, true, 0.3, 1.12)
draw_number(desw - 305, portrait and 132 or 64, 1.0, math.floor(score / 10000), 4, scoreNumber, true, 0.38, 1.12)
draw_number(desw - 110, portrait and 137 or 68, 1.0, score, 4, scoreNumber, true, 0.28, 1.12)
-- Draw max combo
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
@ -694,44 +688,141 @@ function draw_score(deltaTime)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_gauge: --
local gaugeNumBack = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gauge_num_back.png", 0)
gfx.SetGaugeColor(0, 47, 244, 255) --Normal gauge fail
gfx.SetGaugeColor(1, 252, 76, 171) --Normal gauge clear
gfx.SetGaugeColor(2, 255, 255, 255) --Hard gauge low (<30%)
gfx.SetGaugeColor(3, 255, 255, 255) --Hard gauge high (>30%)
local gaugeMarkerBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/marker_bg.png", 0)
local gaugeWarnTransitionScale = 0;
local gaugeEffBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/effective/gauge_back.png", 0)
local gaugeEffFailFillImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/effective/gauge_fill_fail.png", 0)
local gaugeEffPassFillImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/effective/gauge_fill_pass.png", 0)
local gaugeExcBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/excessive/gauge_back.png", 0)
local gaugeExcFillImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/excessive/gauge_fill.png", 0)
local gaugeExcArsBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/excessive_ars/gauge_back.png", 0)
local gaugeExcArsFillImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/excessive_ars/gauge_fill.png", 0)
local gaugePermBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/permissive/gauge_back.png", 0)
local gaugePermFillImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/permissive/gauge_fill.png", 0)
local gaugeBlastiveBgImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/blastive/gauge_back.png", 0)
local gaugeBlastiveFillImage = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gameplay/gauges/blastive/gauge_fill.png", 0)
function draw_gauge(deltaTime)
local height = 702 * scale / 1
local width = 82 * scale / 1
local posy = resy / 2 - height / 2 + 60
local posx = resx - width
if portrait then
posy = posy - 90
posx = resx - width
-- fallbacks in case of unsupported type
local gaugeFillAlpha = 1;
local gaugeBgImage = gaugeEffBgImage;
local gaugeFillImage = gaugeEffPassFillImage;
local gaugeBreakpoint = 0;
if gameplay.gauge.type == 0 then
gaugeBgImage = gaugeEffBgImage;
gaugeBreakpoint = 0.7;
if gameplay.gauge.value <= 0.7 then
gaugeFillImage = gaugeEffFailFillImage;
gaugeFillImage = gaugeEffPassFillImage;
gfx.DrawGauge(gameplay.gauge, posx, posy, width, height, deltaTime)
--draw gauge % label
posx = posx / scale
posx = posx + (-20 * 0.5)
-- 630 = 0% position
height = 960 * 0.5
posy = posy / scale
elseif gameplay.gauge.type == 1 then
gaugeBgImage = gaugeExcBgImage;
gaugeFillImage = gaugeExcFillImage;
if (game.GetSkinSetting('_gaugeARS') == 1) then
gaugeBgImage = gaugeExcArsBgImage
gaugeFillImage = gaugeExcArsFillImage
gaugeBreakpoint = 0.3;
if gameplay.gauge.value < 0.3 then
gaugeFillAlpha = 1 - math.abs(gaugeWarnTransitionScale - 0.25); -- 100 -> 20 -> 100
gaugeWarnTransitionScale = gaugeWarnTransitionScale + deltaTime*10;
if gaugeWarnTransitionScale > 1 then
gaugeWarnTransitionScale = 0;
elseif gameplay.gauge.type == 2 then
gaugeBgImage = gaugePermBgImage;
gaugeFillImage = gaugePermFillImage;
if gameplay.gauge.value < 0.3 then
gaugeFillAlpha = 1 - math.abs(gaugeWarnTransitionScale - 0.25); -- 100 -> 52 -> 100
gaugeWarnTransitionScale = gaugeWarnTransitionScale + deltaTime*10;
if gaugeWarnTransitionScale > 1 then
gaugeWarnTransitionScale = 0;
elseif gameplay.gauge.type == 3 then -- BLASTIVE RATE
gaugeBgImage = gaugeBlastiveBgImage;
gaugeFillImage = gaugeBlastiveFillImage;
if gameplay.gauge.value < 0.3 then
gaugeFillAlpha = 1 - math.abs(gaugeWarnTransitionScale - 0.25); -- 100 -> 20 -> 100
gaugeWarnTransitionScale = gaugeWarnTransitionScale + deltaTime*10;
if gaugeWarnTransitionScale > 1 then
gaugeWarnTransitionScale = 0;
local BgW, BgH = gfx.ImageSize(gaugeBgImage);
local FillW, FillH = gfx.ImageSize(gaugeFillImage);
local gaugePosX = 1080 - BgW - 110;
local gaugePosY = 1920/2 - BgH/2 - 95;
-- gfx.Text('RESX: ' .. resx .. ' // RESY: ' .. resy .. ' // GPX: ' .. gaugePosX, 255,1200);
gfx.ImageRect(gaugePosX, gaugePosY, BgW, BgH, gaugeBgImage, 1, 0)
gfx.Scissor(gaugePosX+18, gaugePosY+9+(FillH-(FillH*(gameplay.gauge.value))), FillW, FillH*(gameplay.gauge.value))
gfx.ImageRect(gaugePosX+18, gaugePosY+9, FillW, FillH, gaugeFillImage, 1, 0)
-- Draw the breakpoint line if needed
if (gaugeBreakpoint > 0) then
local lineY = gaugePosY+6+(FillH-(FillH*(gaugeBreakpoint)))
gfx.MoveTo(gaugePosX+18, lineY)
gfx.LineTo(gaugePosX+36, lineY)
-- Draw gauge % label
local gaugeMarkerY = gaugePosY-6+(FillH-(FillH*(gameplay.gauge.value)))
gfx.ImageRect(gaugePosX-64, gaugeMarkerY, 83*0.85, 37*0.85, gaugeMarkerBgImage, 1, 0)
local tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(gaugeNumBack)
-- 80 = 100% position
posy = posy + (95 * 0.5) + height - height * gameplay.gauge
-- Draw the background
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
gfx.ImageRect(posx - 44, posy - 10, tw, th, gaugeNumBack, 1, 0)
gfx.Text(math.floor(gameplay.gauge.value * 100), gaugePosX-16, gaugeMarkerY+17)
-- gfx.FillColor(250, 228, 112)
draw_number(posx - 24, posy + 4, 1.0, math.floor(gameplay.gauge * 100), 3, numberImages, true)
-- gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE)
-- gfx.FontSize(18)
-- gfx.Text(string.format("%d", math.floor(gameplay.gauge * 100)), posx, posy + 4)
gfx.Text('%', gaugePosX-4, gaugeMarkerY+17)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_combo: --
@ -762,26 +853,13 @@ function draw_combo(deltaTime)
local tw, th
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(comboBottom)
gfx.ImageRect(posx - tw / 2 - 5, posy - th / 2 - 270, tw, th, comboBottom, alpha, 0)
gfx.ImageRect(posx - tw / 2 + 10, posy - th / 4 - 210, tw * 0.85, th * 0.85, comboBottom, alpha, 0)
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(comboCurrent[1])
posy = posy - th
posy = posy - th + 32
local digit = combo % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx + 70, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], alpha, 0)
digit = math.floor(combo / 10) % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], combo >= 10 and alpha or 0.2, 0)
digit = math.floor(combo / 100) % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx - 70, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], combo >= 100 and alpha or 0.2, 0)
digit = math.floor(combo / 1000) % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx - 140, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], combo >= 1000 and alpha or 0.2, 0)
local comboScale = 0.45;
draw_number(desw/2 - (tw*4*comboScale)/2+(tw*comboScale*1.5)+10, posy - th / 2, 1.0, combo, 4, comboCurrent, true, comboScale, 1.12)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_earlate: --
@ -859,7 +937,7 @@ end
local statusBack = Image.skin("status_back.png")
local apealCard = Image.skin("appeal_card.png")
local dan = Image.skin("dan.png")
local volforce = Image.skin ("volforce.png")
function draw_status(deltaTime)
-- Draw the background
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
@ -872,10 +950,10 @@ function draw_status(deltaTime)
dan:draw({ x = 164, y = desh / 2 - 117, w = dan.w * 0.32, h = dan.h * 0.32 })
-- Draw the Volforce
volforce:draw({ x = 240, y = desh / 2 - 119, w = volforce.w * 0.12, h = volforce.h * 0.12 })
VolforceWindow.render(deltaTime, 220, desh / 2 - 140);
-- Draw the best difference
draw_best_diff(deltaTime, 145, desh / 2 - 175)
draw_best_diff(deltaTime, 145, desh / 2 - 174)
-- Draw the username
draw_username(deltatime, 145, desh / 2 - 198)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,938 +0,0 @@
-- The following code slightly simplifies the render/update code, making it easier to explain in the comments
-- It replaces a few of the functions built into USC and changes behaviour slightly
-- Ideally, this should be in the common.lua file, but the rest of the skin does not support it
-- I'll be further refactoring and documenting the default skin and making it more easy to
-- modify for those who either don't know how to skin well or just want to change a few images
-- or behaviours of the default to better suit them.
-- Skinning should be easy and fun!
local RECT_FILL = "fill"
local RECT_STROKE = "stroke"
gfx._ImageAlpha = 1
gfx._FillColor = gfx.FillColor
gfx._StrokeColor = gfx.StrokeColor
gfx._SetImageTint = gfx.SetImageTint
-- we aren't even gonna overwrite it here, it's just dead to us
gfx.SetImageTint = nil
function gfx.FillColor(r, g, b, a)
r = math.floor(r or 255)
g = math.floor(g or 255)
b = math.floor(b or 255)
a = math.floor(a or 255)
gfx._ImageAlpha = a / 255
gfx._FillColor(r, g, b, a)
gfx._SetImageTint(r, g, b)
function gfx.StrokeColor(r, g, b)
r = math.floor(r or 255)
g = math.floor(g or 255)
b = math.floor(b or 255)
gfx._StrokeColor(r, g, b)
function gfx.DrawRect(kind, x, y, w, h)
local doFill = kind == RECT_FILL or kind == RECT_FILL_STROKE
local doStroke = kind == RECT_STROKE or kind == RECT_FILL_STROKE
local doImage = not (doFill or doStroke)
if doImage then
gfx.ImageRect(x, y, w, h, kind, gfx._ImageAlpha, 0)
gfx.Rect(x, y, w, h)
if doFill then gfx.Fill() end
if doStroke then gfx.Stroke() end
local buttonStates = { }
local buttonsInOrder = {
function UpdateButtonStatesAfterProcessed()
for i = 1, 6 do
local button = buttonsInOrder[i]
buttonStates[button] = game.GetButton(button)
function game.GetButtonPressed(button)
return game.GetButton(button) and not buttonStates[button]
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- game.IsUserInputActive: --
-- Used to determine if (valid) controller input is happening. --
-- Valid meaning that laser motion will not return true unless the laser is --
-- active in gameplay as well. --
-- This restriction is not applied to buttons. --
-- The player may press their buttons whenever and the function returns true. --
-- Lane starts at 1 and ends with 8. --
function game.IsUserInputActive(lane)
if lane < 7 then
return game.GetButton(buttonsInOrder[lane])
return gameplay.IsLaserHeld(lane - 7)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- gfx.FillLaserColor: --
-- Sets the current fill color to the laser color of the given index. --
-- An optional alpha value may be given as well. --
-- Index may be 1 or 2. --
function gfx.FillLaserColor(index, alpha)
alpha = math.floor(alpha or 255)
local r, g, b = game.GetLaserColor(index - 1)
gfx.FillColor(r, g, b, alpha)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
function load_number_image(path)
local images = {}
for i = 0, 9 do
images[i + 1] = gfx.CreateSkinImage(string.format("%s/%d.png", path, i), 0)
return images
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
function draw_number(x, y, alpha, num, digits, images, is_dim, scale, kern)
scale = scale or 1;
kern = kern or 1;
local tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(images[1])
tw = tw * scale;
th = th * scale;
x = x + (tw * (digits - 1)) / 2
y = y - th / 2
for i = 1, digits do
local mul = 10 ^ (i - 1)
local digit = math.floor(num / mul) % 10
local a = alpha
if is_dim and num < mul then
a = 0.4
gfx.ImageRect(x, y, tw, th, images[digit + 1], a, 0)
x = x - (tw * kern)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- The actual gameplay script starts here! --
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Global data used by many things: --
local resx, resy -- The resolution of the window
local resx_old = 0
local resy_old = 0
local portrait -- whether the window is in portrait orientation
local desw, desh -- The resolution of the deisign
local scale -- the scale to get from design to actual units
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- All images used by the script: --
local jacketFallback = gfx.CreateSkinImage("song_select/loading.png", 0)
local bottomFill = gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/console.png", 0)
local topFill = gfx.CreateSkinImage("fill_top.png", 0)
local critAnim = gfx.CreateSkinImage("crit_anim.png", 0)
local critBar = gfx.CreateSkinImage("crit_bar.png", 0)
local critConsole = gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/crit_console.png", 0)
local laserTail = gfx.CreateSkinImage("laser_tail.png", 0)
local laserCursor = gfx.CreateSkinImage("pointer.png", 0)
local laserCursorText = gfx.CreateSkinImage("pointer_bottom.png", 0)
local laserCursorOverlay = gfx.CreateSkinImage("pointer_overlay.png", 0)
local laserCursorGlow = gfx.CreateSkinImage("pointer_glow.png", 0)
local laserCursorShine = gfx.CreateSkinImage("pointer_shine.png", 0)
local laserTopWave = gfx.CreateSkinImage("laser_top_wave.png", 0)
local scoreEarly = gfx.CreateSkinImage("score_early.png", 0)
local scoreLate = gfx.CreateSkinImage("score_late.png", 0)
local numberImages = load_number_image("number")
local prevGaugeType = nil
local gaugeTransition = nil
--Skin Settings info
local username = game.GetSkinSetting('username') or '';
local ioConsoleDetails = {
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/detail_left.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/detail_right.png", 0),
local consoleAnimImages = {
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_bta.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_btb.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_btc.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_btd.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_fxl.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_fxr.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_voll.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("console/glow_volr.png", 0),
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Timers, used for animations: --
local introTimer = 2
local outroTimer = 0
local earlateTimer = 0
local critAnimTimer = 0
local consoleAnimSpeed = 10
local consoleAnimTimers = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Miscelaneous, currently unsorted: --
local score = 0
local jacket = nil
local critLinePos = { 0.95, 0.75 };
local late = false
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- ResetLayoutInformation: --
-- Resets the layout values used by the skin. --
function ResetLayoutInformation()
resx, resy = game.GetResolution()
portrait = resy > resx
desw = portrait and 1080 or 1920
desh = desw * (resy / resx)
scale = resx / desw
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- render: --
-- The primary & final render call. --
-- Use this to render basically anything that isn't the crit line or the --
-- intro/outro transitions. --
function render(deltaTime)
-- make sure that our transform is cleared, clean working space
-- TODO: this shouldn't be necessary!!!
-- While the intro timer is running, we fade in from black
if introTimer > 0 then
gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0, math.floor(255 * math.min(introTimer, 1)))
gfx.DrawRect(RECT_FILL, 0, 0, resx, resy)
gfx.Scale(scale, scale)
local yshift = 0
-- In portrait, we draw a banner across the top
-- The rest of the UI needs to be drawn below that banner
-- TODO: this isn't how it'll work in the long run, I don't think
if portrait then yshift = draw_banner(deltaTime) end
-- gfx.Translate(0, yshift - 150 * math.max(introTimer - 1, 0))
gfx.Translate(0, yshift)
-- gfx.Translate(0, -yshift + 150 * math.max(introTimer - 1, 0))
gfx.Translate(0, -yshift)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- SetUpCritTransform: --
-- Utility function which aligns the graphics transform to the center of the --
-- crit line on screen, rotation include. --
-- This function resets the graphics transform, it's up to the caller to --
-- save the transform if needed. --
function SetUpCritTransform()
-- start us with a clean empty transform
-- translate and rotate accordingly
gfx.Translate(gameplay.critLine.x, gameplay.critLine.y)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- GetCritLineCenteringOffset: --
-- Utility function which returns the magnitude of an offset to center the --
-- crit line on the screen based on its position and rotation. --
function GetCritLineCenteringOffset()
local distFromCenter = resx / 2 - gameplay.critLine.x
local dvx = math.cos(gameplay.critLine.rotation)
local dvy = math.sin(gameplay.critLine.rotation)
return math.sqrt(dvx * dvx + dvy * dvy) * distFromCenter
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- render_crit_base: --
-- Called after rendering the highway and playable objects, but before --
-- the built-in hit effects. --
-- This is the first render function to be called each frame. --
-- This call resets the graphics transform, it's up to the caller to --
-- save the transform if needed. --
function render_crit_base(deltaTime)
-- Kind of a hack, but here (since this is the first render function
-- that gets called per frame) we update the layout information.
-- This means that the player can resize their window and
-- not break everything
critAnimTimer = critAnimTimer + deltaTime
-- Figure out how to offset the center of the crit line to remain
-- centered on the players screen
local xOffset = GetCritLineCenteringOffset()
gfx.Translate(xOffset, 0)
-- Draw a transparent black overlay below the crit line
-- This darkens the play area as it passes
gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0, 200)
gfx.DrawRect(RECT_FILL, -resx, 0, resx * 2, resy)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
-- The absolute width of the crit line itself
-- we check to see if we're playing in portrait mode and
-- change the width accordingly
local critWidth = resx * (portrait and 1.25 or 0.8)
-- get the scaled dimensions of the crit line pieces
local clw, clh = gfx.ImageSize(critAnim)
local critAnimHeight = 9 * scale
local critAnimWidth = critAnimHeight * (clw / clh)
local cbw, cbh = gfx.ImageSize(critBar)
local critBarHeight = critAnimHeight * (cbh / clh)
local critBarWidth = critBarHeight * (cbw / cbh)
-- render the core of the crit line
-- The crit line is made up of many small pieces scrolling outward
-- Calculate how many pieces, starting at what offset, are require to
-- completely fill the space with no gaps from edge to center
local animWidth = critWidth * 0.65
local numPieces = 1 + math.ceil(animWidth / (critAnimWidth * 2))
local startOffset = critAnimWidth * ((critAnimTimer * 0.15) % 1)
-- left side
-- Use a scissor to limit the drawable area to only what should be visible
gfx.Scissor(-animWidth / 2, -critAnimHeight / 2, animWidth / 2, critAnimHeight)
for i = 1, numPieces do
gfx.DrawRect(critAnim, -startOffset - critAnimWidth * (i - 1), -critAnimHeight / 2, critAnimWidth, critAnimHeight)
-- right side
-- exactly the same, but in reverse
gfx.Scissor(0, -critAnimHeight / 2, animWidth / 2, critAnimHeight)
for i = 1, numPieces do
gfx.DrawRect(critAnim, -critAnimWidth + startOffset + critAnimWidth * (i - 1), -critAnimHeight / 2, critAnimWidth, critAnimHeight)
-- Draw the critical bar
gfx.DrawRect(critBar, -critWidth / 2, -critBarHeight / 2 - 5 * scale, critWidth, critBarHeight)
-- Draw back portion of the console
if portrait then
local ccw, cch = gfx.ImageSize(critConsole)
local critConsoleHeight = 190 * scale
local critConsoleWidth = critConsoleHeight * (ccw / cch)
local critConsoleY = 180 * scale
gfx.DrawRect(critConsole, -critConsoleWidth / 2, -critConsoleHeight / 2 + critConsoleY, critConsoleWidth, critConsoleHeight)
-- we're done, reset graphics stuffs
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- render_crit_overlay: --
-- Called after rendering built-int crit line effects. --
-- Use this to render laser cursors or an IO Console in portrait mode! --
-- This call resets the graphics transform, it's up to the caller to --
-- save the transform if needed. --
function render_crit_overlay(deltaTime)
-- Figure out how to offset the center of the crit line to remain
-- centered on the players screen.
local xOffset = GetCritLineCenteringOffset()
-- When in portrait, we can draw the console at the bottom
if portrait then
-- We're going to make temporary modifications to the transform
gfx.Translate(xOffset * 0.5, -45)
local bfw, bfh = gfx.ImageSize(bottomFill)
local distBetweenKnobs = 0.446
local distCritVertical = -0.125
local ioFillTx = bfw / 2
local ioFillTy = bfh * distCritVertical -- 0.098
-- The total dimensions for the console image
local io_x, io_y, io_w, io_h = -ioFillTx, -ioFillTy, bfw, bfh
-- Adjust the transform accordingly first
local consoleFillScale = (resx * 0.550) / (bfw * distBetweenKnobs)
gfx.Scale(consoleFillScale, consoleFillScale);
-- Actually draw the fill
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
gfx.DrawRect(bottomFill, io_x, io_y, io_w, io_h)
-- Then draw the details which need to be colored to match the lasers
-- for i = 1, 2 do
-- gfx.FillLaserColor(i)
-- gfx.DrawRect(ioConsoleDetails[i], io_x, io_y, io_w, io_h)
-- end
-- Draw the button press animations by overlaying transparent images
for i = 1, 6 do
-- While a button is held, increment a timer
-- If not held, that timer is set back to 0
if game.GetButton(buttonsInOrder[i]) then
consoleAnimTimers[i] = consoleAnimTimers[i] + deltaTime * consoleAnimSpeed * 3.14 * 2
consoleAnimTimers[i] = 0
-- If the timer is active, flash based on a sin wave
local timer = consoleAnimTimers[i]
if timer ~= 0 then
local image = consoleAnimImages[i]
local alpha = (math.sin(timer) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 0.5 + 0.25
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, alpha * 255);
gfx.DrawRect(image, io_x, io_y, io_w, io_h)
-- Undo those modifications
local cw, ch = gfx.ImageSize(laserCursor)
local cursorWidth = 60 * scale
local cursorHeight = cursorWidth * (ch / cw)
-- draw each laser cursor
for i = 1, 2 do
local cursor = gameplay.critLine.cursors[i - 1]
local pos, skew = cursor.pos, cursor.skew
-- Add a kinda-perspective effect with a horizontal skew
--Add the tail, only active in critical zone
if (gameplay.laserActive[i]) then
gfx.FillLaserColor(i, cursor.alpha * 255)
gfx.DrawRect(laserTail, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 64, -cursorHeight / 2 - 5, cursorWidth * 5, cursorHeight * 5)
-- Draw the SDVX Icon eye and tails below the overlay
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, cursor.alpha * 255)
gfx.DrawRect(laserCursorText, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 18, -cursorHeight / 2 - 18, cursorWidth * 2, cursorHeight * 2)
-- Draw the colored background with the appropriate laser color
gfx.FillLaserColor(i, cursor.alpha * 130)
gfx.DrawRect(laserCursor, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 18, -cursorHeight / 2 - 18, cursorWidth * 2, cursorHeight * 2)
--Add the top wave effect, only active in critical zone
if (gameplay.laserActive[i]) then
gfx.FillLaserColor(i, cursor.alpha * 180)
gfx.DrawRect(laserTopWave, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 80, -cursorHeight / 2 - 24, cursorWidth * 6, cursorHeight * 6)
-- Draw the uncolored overlay on top of the color
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, cursor.alpha * 255)
gfx.DrawRect(laserCursorOverlay, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 18, -cursorHeight / 2 - 18, cursorWidth * 2, cursorHeight * 2)
-- Draw the colored glow on top of the pointer
gfx.FillLaserColor(i, cursor.alpha * 160)
gfx.DrawRect(laserCursorGlow, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 18, -cursorHeight / 2 - 20, cursorWidth * 2, cursorHeight * 2)
-- Draw the uncolored overlay on top of the color
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, cursor.alpha * 150)
gfx.DrawRect(laserCursorShine, pos - cursorWidth / 2 - 18, -cursorHeight / 2 - 20, cursorWidth * 2, cursorHeight * 2)
-- Un-skew
-- We're done, reset graphics stuffs
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_banner: --
-- Renders the banner across the top of the screen in portrait. --
-- This function expects no graphics transform except the design scale. --
function draw_banner(deltaTime)
local bannerWidth, bannerHeight = gfx.ImageSize(topFill)
local actualHeight = desw * (bannerHeight / bannerWidth)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
gfx.DrawRect(topFill, 0, 0, desw, actualHeight)
return actualHeight
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_stat: --
-- Draws a formatted name + value combination at x, y over w, h area. --
function draw_stat(x, y, w, h, name, value, format, r, g, b)
-- Translate from the parent transform, wherever that may be
gfx.Translate(x, y)
-- Draw the `name` top-left aligned at `h` size
gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
gfx.Text(name .. ":", 0, 0) -- 0, 0, is x, y after translation
-- Realign the text and draw the value, formatted
gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
gfx.Text(string.format(format, value), w, 0)
-- This draws an underline beneath the text
-- The line goes from 0, h to w, h
gfx.MoveTo(0, h)
gfx.LineTo(w, h) -- only defines the line, does NOT draw it yet
-- If a color is provided, set it
if r then gfx.StrokeColor(r, g, b)
-- otherwise, default to a light grey
else gfx.StrokeColor(200, 200, 200) end
-- Stroke out the line
-- Undo our transform changes
-- Return the next `y` position, for easier vertical stacking
return y + h + 5
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_song_info: --
-- Draws current song information at the top left of the screen. --
-- This function expects no graphics transform except the design scale. --
local songBack = gfx.CreateSkinImage("song_back.png", 0)
local numberDot = gfx.CreateSkinImage("number/dot.png", 0)
local diffImages = {
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/1 novice.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/2 advanced.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/3 exhaust.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/4 maximum.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/5 infinite.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/6 gravity.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/7 heavenly.png", 0),
gfx.CreateSkinImage("diff/8 vivid.png", 0)
local memo = Memo.new()
function draw_song_info(deltaTime)
local jacketWidth = 105
-- Check to see if there's a jacket to draw, and attempt to load one if not
if jacket == nil or jacket == jacketFallback then
jacket = gfx.LoadImageJob(gameplay.jacketPath, jacketFallback)
if not portrait then
gfx.Translate(0, 112)
-- Ensure the font has been loaded
-- Draw the background
local tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(songBack)
gfx.ImageRect(-2, -71, tw * 0.855, th * 0.855, songBack, 1, 0)
-- Draw the jacket
gfx.ImageRect(31, -39, jacketWidth, jacketWidth, jacket, 1, 0)
-- Draw level name
local diffIdx = GetDisplayDifficulty(gameplay.jacketPath, gameplay.difficulty)
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(diffImages[diffIdx])
gfx.ImageRect(28, 71, tw * 0.85, th * 0.85, diffImages[diffIdx], 1, 0)
-- Draw level number
draw_number(110, 84, 1.0, gameplay.level, 2, numberImages, false)
-- Draw the song title, scaled to fit as best as possible
local title = memo:memoize("title", function ()
local titleText = gameplay.title .. " / " .. gameplay.artist
local titleWidth = 520
return gfx.CreateLabel(titleText, 18, 0)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
gfx.DrawLabel(title, desw / 2.77, portrait and -23 or -90, 470)
-- Draw the BPM
draw_number(220, 178, 1.0, gameplay.bpm, 3, numberImages, false)
-- Draw the hi-speed
draw_number(213 + 20, 212, 1.0, math.floor((gameplay.hispeed + 0.05) * 10) % 10, 1, numberImages, false)
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(numberDot)
gfx.ImageRect(213 + 5, 206, tw, th, numberDot, 1, 0)
draw_number(213, 212, 1.0, math.floor(gameplay.hispeed), 1, numberImages, false)
-- gfx.Text(string.format("%.1f", gameplay.hispeed), 208, 9)
-- Fill the progress bar
gfx.FillColor(244, 204, 101)
gfx.Rect(233, 11, 625 * gameplay.progress, 3)
-- When the player is holding Start, the hispeed can be changed
-- Shows the current hispeed values
if game.GetButton(game.BUTTON_STA) then
gfx.Text(string.format("HiSpeed: %.0f x %.1f = %.0f",
gameplay.bpm, gameplay.hispeed, gameplay.bpm * gameplay.hispeed),
0, 115)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_best_diff: --
-- If there are other saved scores, this displays the difference between --
-- the current play and your best. --
function draw_best_diff(deltaTime, x, y)
-- Don't do anything if there's nothing to do
if not gameplay.scoreReplays[1] then return end
-- Calculate the difference between current and best play
local difference = score - gameplay.scoreReplays[1].currentScore
local prefix = "" -- used to properly display negative values
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
if difference < 0 then
-- If we're behind the best score, separate the minus sign and change the color
gfx.FillColor(255, 90, 70)
difference = math.abs(difference)
prefix = "- "
elseif difference > 0 then
-- If we're behind the best score, separate the minus sign and change the color
gfx.FillColor(170, 160, 255)
difference = math.abs(difference)
prefix = "+ "
-- %08d formats a number to 8 characters
-- This includes the minus sign, so we do that separately
gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
gfx.Text(string.format("%s%08d", prefix, difference), x, y)
function draw_username(deltaTime, x, y)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
gfx.Text(string.sub(username, 1, 8), x, y)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_score: --
local scoreBack = gfx.CreateSkinImage("score_back.png", 0)
local scoreNumber = load_number_image("score_num")
local maxCombo = 0
function draw_score(deltaTime)
local tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(scoreBack)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
tw = tw * 0.61;
th = th * 0.61;
gfx.ImageRect(desw - tw + 12, portrait and 50 or 0, tw, th, scoreBack, 1, 0)
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
draw_number(desw - 305, portrait and 132 or 64, 1.0, math.floor(score / 10000), 4, scoreNumber, true, 0.40, 1.12)
draw_number(desw - 110, portrait and 137 or 68, 1.0, score, 4, scoreNumber, true, 0.3, 1.12)
-- Draw max combo
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
draw_number(desw - 300, portrait and 207 or 110, 1.0, maxCombo, 4, numberImages, true)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_gauge: --
local gaugeNumBack = gfx.CreateSkinImage("gauge_num_back.png", 0)
gfx.SetGaugeColor(0, 47, 244, 255) --Normal gauge fail
gfx.SetGaugeColor(1, 252, 76, 171) --Normal gauge clear
gfx.SetGaugeColor(2, 255, 255, 255) --Hard gauge low (<30%)
gfx.SetGaugeColor(3, 255, 255, 255) --Hard gauge high (>30%)
function draw_gauge(deltaTime)
local height = 702 * scale / 1
local width = 82 * scale / 1
local posy = resy / 2 - height / 2 + 60
local posx = resx - width
if portrait then
posy = posy - 90
posx = resx - width
gfx.DrawGauge(gameplay.gauge, posx, posy, width, height, deltaTime)
--draw gauge % label
posx = posx / scale
posx = posx + (-20 * 0.5)
-- 630 = 0% position
height = 960 * 0.5
posy = posy / scale
local tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(gaugeNumBack)
-- 80 = 100% position
posy = posy + (95 * 0.5) + height - height * gameplay.gauge
-- Draw the background
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
gfx.ImageRect(posx - 44, posy - 10, tw, th, gaugeNumBack, 1, 0)
-- gfx.FillColor(250, 228, 112)
draw_number(posx - 24, posy + 4, 1.0, math.floor(gameplay.gauge * 100), 3, numberImages, true)
-- gfx.TextAlign(gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT + gfx.TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE)
-- gfx.FontSize(18)
-- gfx.Text(string.format("%d", math.floor(gameplay.gauge * 100)), posx, posy + 4)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_combo: --
local comboBottom = gfx.CreateSkinImage("chain/chain.png", 0)
local comboPUC = load_number_image("chain/puc")
local comboUC = load_number_image("chain/uc")
local comboREG = load_number_image("chain/reg")
local comboTimer = 0
local combo = 0
local comboCurrent
function draw_combo(deltaTime)
if combo == 0 then return end
comboTimer = comboTimer + deltaTime
local posx = desw / 2 + 5
local posy = desh * critLinePos[1] - 100
if portrait then posy = desh * critLinePos[2] - 150 end
if gameplay.comboState == 2 then
comboCurrent = comboPUC --puc
elseif gameplay.comboState == 1 then
comboCurrent = comboUC --uc
comboCurrent = comboREG --regular
local alpha = math.floor(comboTimer * 20) % 2
alpha = (alpha * 100 + 155) / 255
-- \_ chain _/
local tw, th
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(comboBottom)
gfx.ImageRect(posx - tw / 2 - 5, posy - th / 2 - 270, tw, th, comboBottom, alpha, 0)
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(comboCurrent[1])
posy = posy - th
local digit = combo % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx + 70, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], alpha, 0)
digit = math.floor(combo / 10) % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], combo >= 10 and alpha or 0.2, 0)
digit = math.floor(combo / 100) % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx - 70, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], combo >= 100 and alpha or 0.2, 0)
digit = math.floor(combo / 1000) % 10
gfx.ImageRect(posx - 140, posy - th / 2, tw * 0.5, th * 0.5, comboCurrent[digit + 1], combo >= 1000 and alpha or 0.2, 0)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_earlate: --
function draw_earlate(deltaTime)
earlateTimer = math.max(earlateTimer - deltaTime,0)
if earlateTimer == 0 then return nil end
local alpha = math.floor(earlateTimer * 20) % 2
alpha = (alpha * 100 + 155) / 255
local xpos = desw / 2
local ypos = desh * critLinePos[1] - 220
if portrait then ypos = desh * critLinePos[2] - 240 end
local tw, th
if late then
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(scoreLate)
gfx.ImageRect(xpos - tw / 2, ypos - th / 2, tw, th, scoreLate, alpha, 0)
tw, th = gfx.ImageSize(scoreEarly)
gfx.ImageRect(xpos - tw / 2, ypos - th / 2, tw, th, scoreEarly, alpha, 0)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_alerts: --
local alertTimers = {-2,-2}
local alertBgR = Image.skin("alert_bg.png")
local alertBgL = Image.skin("alert_bg2.png")
local alertL = Image.skin("alert_l.png")
local alertR = Image.skin("alert_r.png")
function draw_alerts(deltaTime)
alertTimers[1] = math.max(alertTimers[1] - deltaTime,-2)
alertTimers[2] = math.max(alertTimers[2] - deltaTime,-2)
if alertTimers[1] > 0 then --draw left alert
local posx = desw / 2 - 220
local posy = desh * critLinePos[1] - 135
if portrait then
posy = desh * critLinePos[2] - 240
posx = 105
local r,g,b = game.GetLaserColor(0)
local alertScale = (-(alertTimers[1] ^ 2.0) + (1.5 * alertTimers[1])) * 5.0
alertScale = math.min(alertScale, 1)
gfx.Scale(1, alertScale)
gfx.FillColor(r, g, b)
alertBgL:draw({ x = 0, y = 0 })
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
alertL:draw({ x = 0, y = 0 })
if alertTimers[2] > 0 then --draw right alert
local posx = desw / 2 + 220
local posy = desh * critLinePos[1] - 40
if portrait then
posy = desh * critLinePos[2] - 240
posx = desw - 105
local r,g,b = game.GetLaserColor(1)
local alertScale = (-(alertTimers[2] ^ 2.0) + (1.5 * alertTimers[2])) * 5.0
alertScale = math.min(alertScale, 1)
gfx.Scale(1, alertScale)
gfx.FillColor(r, g, b)
alertBgR:draw({ x = 0, y = 0 })
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
alertR:draw({ x = 0, y = 0 })
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- draw_status: --
local statusBack = Image.skin("status_back.png")
local apealCard = Image.skin("appeal_card.png")
local dan = Image.skin("dan.png")
local volforce = Image.skin ("volforce.png")
function draw_status(deltaTime)
-- Draw the background
gfx.FillColor(255, 255, 255)
statusBack:draw({ x = 0, y = desh / 2 - 195, w = statusBack.w * 0.85, h = statusBack.h * 0.85, anchor_h = Image.ANCHOR_LEFT })
-- Draw the apeal card
apealCard:draw({ x = 12, y = desh / 2 - 220, w = apealCard.w * 0.62, h = apealCard.h * 0.62, anchor_h = Image.ANCHOR_LEFT, anchor_v = Image.ANCHOR_TOP })
-- Draw the dan
dan:draw({ x = 164, y = desh / 2 - 117, w = dan.w * 0.32, h = dan.h * 0.32 })
-- Draw the Volforce
volforce:draw({ x = 240, y = desh / 2 - 119, w = volforce.w * 0.12, h = volforce.h * 0.12 })
-- Draw the best difference
draw_best_diff(deltaTime, 145, desh / 2 - 175)
-- Draw the username
draw_username(deltatime, 145, desh / 2 - 198)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- render_intro: --
function render_intro(deltaTime)
if not game.GetButton(game.BUTTON_STA) then
introTimer = introTimer - deltaTime
introTimer = math.max(introTimer, 0)
return introTimer <= 0
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- render_outro: --
function render_outro(deltaTime, clearState)
if clearState == 0 then return true end
gfx.FillColor(0,0,0, math.floor(127 * math.min(outroTimer, 1)))
gfx.FillColor(255,255,255, math.floor(255 * math.min(outroTimer, 1)))
gfx.Text(clearTexts[clearState], desw / 2, desh / 2)
outroTimer = outroTimer + deltaTime
return outroTimer > 2, 1 - outroTimer
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- update_score: --
function update_score(newScore)
score = newScore
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- update_combo: --
function update_combo(newCombo)
combo = newCombo
if combo > maxCombo then
maxCombo = combo
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- near_hit: --
function near_hit(wasLate) --for updating early/late display
late = wasLate
earlateTimer = 0.75
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- laser_alert: --
function laser_alert(isRight) --for starting laser alert animations
if isRight and alertTimers[2] < -1.5 then
alertTimers[2] = 1.5
elseif alertTimers[1] < -1.5 then
alertTimers[1] = 1.5
@ -143,8 +143,6 @@ end
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Global data used by many things: --
local resx, resy -- The resolution of the window
local resx_old = 0
local resy_old = 0
local portrait -- whether the window is in portrait orientation
local desw, desh -- The resolution of the deisign
local scale -- the scale to get from design to actual units
@ -226,14 +224,8 @@ function render(deltaTime)
-- make sure that our transform is cleared, clean working space
-- TODO: this shouldn't be necessary!!!
-- While the intro timer is running, we fade in from black
if introTimer > 0 then
gfx.FillColor(0, 0, 0, math.floor(255 * math.min(introTimer, 1)))
gfx.DrawRect(RECT_FILL, 0, 0, resx, resy)
gfx.Scale(scale, scale)
local yshift = 0
-- In portrait, we draw a banner across the top
@ -311,7 +303,7 @@ function render_crit_base(deltaTime)
-- get the scaled dimensions of the crit line pieces
local clw, clh = gfx.ImageSize(critAnim)
local critAnimHeight = 9 * scale
local critAnimHeight = 12 * scale
local critAnimWidth = critAnimHeight * (clw / clh)
local cbw, cbh = gfx.ImageSize(critBar)
@ -345,7 +337,7 @@ function render_crit_base(deltaTime)
-- Draw the critical bar
gfx.DrawRect(critBar, -critWidth / 2, -critBarHeight / 2 - 5 * scale, critWidth, critBarHeight)
gfx.DrawRect(critBar, -critWidth / 2, -critBarHeight / 2 - 5 * scale + 24, critWidth, critBarHeight)
-- Draw back portion of the console
if portrait then
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue