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2021-07-25 20:10:06 +02:00
#version 330
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
layout(location=1) in vec2 texVp;
layout(location=0) out vec4 target;
uniform ivec2 screenCenter;
// x = bar time
// y = off-sync but smooth bpm based timing
// z = real time since song start
uniform vec3 timing;
uniform ivec2 viewport;
uniform float objectGlow;
// bg_texture.png
uniform vec2 tilt;
uniform float clearTransition;
#define HALF_PI 1.570796326794
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define TWO_PI 6.28318530718
// Background
uniform int Bg = 0;
uniform float BgPivot = .27;
uniform int BgBase = 0;
uniform sampler2D BgBaseTex;
uniform int BgBaseClearVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D BgBaseClearTex;
uniform float BgBaseOffsetY = 0.;
uniform int BgBaseTilt = 1;
uniform float BgBaseAR = 1.125;
uniform int BgBaseAnim = 0;
uniform float BgBaseAnimFramesCount; // should be int
uniform int BgBaseScaleSoft = 0;
uniform int BgBaseClampTiling = 0;
uniform int BgOverlay = 0;
uniform sampler2D BgOverlayTex;
uniform int BgOverlayClearVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D BgOverlayClearTex;
uniform int BgOverlayFloat = 0;
uniform float BgOverlayFloatFactor = 1.;
uniform float BgOverlayOffsetY = 0.;
uniform int BgOverlayFlashEffect = 0;
uniform int BgOverlayTilt = 1;
uniform int BgLayer = 0;
uniform sampler2D BgLayerTex;
uniform int BgLayerClearVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D BgLayerClearTex;
uniform float BgLayerAnimFramesCount; // should be int
uniform float BgLayerBrighten = 0.;
uniform int BgLayerScaleHard = 0;
// Center
uniform int Center = 0;
uniform int CenterNormalVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D CenterTex;
uniform int CenterClearVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D CenterClearTex;
uniform float CenterScale = 3.; // todo: change to smaller
uniform float CenterFloatFactor = 1.;
uniform float CenterFloatXFactor = 0.;
uniform float CenterFloatRotationFactor = 0.;
uniform int CenterPulse = 0;
uniform int CenterFloat = 0;
uniform int CenterFadeEffect = 0;
uniform int CenterTilt = 1;
uniform float CenterOffsetY = 0.;
uniform int CenterGlow = 0;
uniform int CenterSnapToTrack = 1;
uniform int CenterRotate = 0;
uniform int CenterLayerEffect = 0;
uniform sampler2D CenterLayerEffectTex;
uniform int CenterLayerEffectFade = 0;
uniform int CenterLayerEffectRotate = 0;
uniform float CenterLayerEffectRotateSpeed = 1.;
uniform int CenterLayerEffectGlow = 0;
uniform float CenterLayerEffectScale = 1.;
uniform int CenterLayerEffectDodgeBlend = 0;
uniform float CenterLayerEffectAlpha = 1.;
uniform int CenterAnim = 0;
uniform float CenterAnimFramesCount; // should be int
// Tunnel
uniform int Tunnel = 0;
uniform sampler2D TunnelTex;
uniform int TunnelClearVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D TunnelClearTex;
uniform float TunnelSides = float(8); // should be int
uniform float TunnelStretch = .15; // lower = "Stretchier"
uniform float TunnelScaleX = 1.; // for scale: lower is longer i believe
uniform float TunnelScaleY = 1.;
uniform float TunnelFog = 10.;
uniform int TunnelFlashEffect = 0;
uniform float TunnelExtraRotation = 0.; // 1. == 2*PI radians
uniform int TunnelVortexEffect = 0;
uniform float TunnelVortexFactor = 1.;
uniform int TunnelDodgeBlend = 0;
// Particle
uniform int Particle = 0;
uniform sampler2D ParticleTex;
uniform int ParticleClearVersion = 0;
uniform sampler2D ParticleClearTex;
uniform float ParticleSpeed = 1.;
uniform float ParticleScale = 1.;
uniform float ParticleOffsetY = 0.;
uniform float ParticleAmount = float(2); // should be int
float TunnelSpeed = 1.;
float TunnelBaseRotation = 0.0; // Default rotation in radians
float TunnelBaseTexRotation = 0.5 * HALF_PI; // Rotation of texture for alignment, in radians
vec2 TunnelScale = vec2(TunnelScaleX, TunnelScaleY);
float bgLayerAR = 1.25;
vec2 bgPivot = vec2(.5, BgPivot);
vec2 hardScale = vec2(.7, .4); // Base scale (lower is more scaled: 1/x) <> how much is subtracted on rotation
vec2 softScale = vec2(.9, .1);
float rotateScaleSmoothnessFactor = 1.3; // Higher is smoother
float portrait(float a, float b) {
if (viewport.y > viewport.x) {
return a;
} else {
return b;
vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c) {
vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
float e = 1.0e-10;
return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);
float blendOverlay(float base, float blend) {
return base<0.5?(2.0*base*blend):(1.0-2.0*(1.0-base)*(1.0-blend));
vec3 blendOverlay(vec3 base, vec3 blend) {
return vec3(blendOverlay(base.r,blend.r),blendOverlay(base.g,blend.g),blendOverlay(base.b,blend.b));
vec3 blendOverlay(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) {
return (blendOverlay(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
float blendScreen(float base, float blend) {
return 1.0-((1.0-base)*(1.0-blend));
vec3 blendScreen(vec3 base, vec3 blend) {
return vec3(blendScreen(base.r,blend.r),blendScreen(base.g,blend.g),blendScreen(base.b,blend.b));
vec3 blendScreen(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) {
return (blendScreen(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
float blendLinearDodge(float base, float blend) {
// Note : Same implementation as BlendAddf
return min(base+blend,1.0);
vec3 blendLinearDodge(vec3 base, vec3 blend) {
// Note : Same implementation as BlendAdd
return min(base+blend,vec3(1.0));
vec3 blendLinearDodge(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) {
return (blendLinearDodge(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity));
vec2 ScaleUV(vec2 uv,float scale,vec2 pivot) {
return (uv - pivot) * scale + pivot;
vec2 ScaleUV(vec2 uv,vec2 scale,vec2 pivot) {
return (uv - pivot) * scale + pivot;
vec2 rotatePoint(vec2 cen,float angle,vec2 p) {
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
// translate point back to origin:
p.x -= cen.x;
p.y -= cen.y;
// rotate point
float xnew = p.x * c - p.y * s;
float ynew = p.x * s + p.y * c;
// translate point back:
p.x = xnew + cen.x;
p.y = ynew + cen.y;
return p;
float mirrorTile(float val, float lower, float upper) {
if (val < lower) return lower * 2 - val;
if (val > upper) return upper * 2. - val;
return val;
vec2 mirrorTile(vec2 val, float lower, float upper) {
val.x = mirrorTile(val.x, lower, upper);
val.y = mirrorTile(val.y, lower, upper);
return val;
float getRotateScaleModifier(float rotation) {
return smoothstep(0., HALF_PI*.5*rotateScaleSmoothnessFactor, 2 * abs(asin(sin(0.5*rotation*TWO_PI))*1.));
// return min(2. * abs( asin(sin(0.5*layerRotation*TWO_PI))*2. ), .5*HALF_PI ) / (.5*HALF_PI);
vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) {
vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
// Reference to
// https://github.com/Ikeiwa/USC-SDVX-IV-Skin (Ikeiwa)
// http://thndl.com/square-shaped-shaders.html
// https://thebookofshaders.com/07/
float GetDistanceShape(vec2 st, /*int*/float N){
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
float d = 0.0;
// Angle and radius from the current pixel
float a = atan(st.x,st.y)+PI;
float r = TWO_PI/N;
// Shaping function that modulate the distance
d = cos(floor(.5+a/r)*r-a)*length(st);
return d;
float mirrored(float v) {
float m = mod(v, 2.0);
return mix(m, 2.0 - m, step(1.0, m));
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
vec2 rotate2d(vec2 uv,float _angle, vec2 pivot){
return (uv - pivot) * mat2(cos(_angle),-sin(_angle),
sin(_angle),cos(_angle)) + pivot;
void main() {
target.rgba = vec4(vec3(0.),1.);
float beatTime = mod(timing.y,1.0);
float ar = float(viewport.x) / float(viewport.y);
float var = float(viewport.y) / float(viewport.x);
vec2 screenUV = vec2(texVp.x / viewport.x, texVp.y / viewport.y);
vec2 uv = screenUV;
uv.x *= ar;
vec2 center = vec2(screenCenter) / vec2(viewport);
center.x *= ar;
vec2 point = uv;
float bgrot = dot(tilt, vec2(0.5, 1.0));
point = rotatePoint(center, TunnelBaseRotation + (bgrot * TWO_PI), point);
vec4 backgroundTexture = vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.);
vec4 backgroundTexture2 = vec4(0.);
vec4 layerTexture = vec4(0.);
if (Bg == 1) {
// Bg => BgOverlay => BgLayer
for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
if ((i == 0 && BgBase == 0) || (i == 1 && BgOverlay == 0) || (i == 2 && BgLayer == 0))
bool isAnim = (i < 2 && BgBaseAnim == 1) || i == 2;
float frameCount;
if (isAnim) {
frameCount = i < 2 ? BgBaseAnimFramesCount : BgLayerAnimFramesCount;
vec2 backgroundUV = screenUV;
// backgroundUV.x -= 0.5;
if (BgOverlay == 1 && i == 1) {
backgroundUV.y -= portrait(BgOverlayOffsetY,-0.5); // todo: figure out landscape
if (BgOverlayFloat == 1)
backgroundUV.y += sin(timing.z) * 0.003 * BgOverlayFloatFactor;
} else {
backgroundUV.y -= portrait(BgBaseOffsetY,-0.5); // todo: figure out landscape
// backgroundUV.x *= ar;
// backgroundUV /= 1.2;
// backgroundUV /= ar;
// backgroundUV.x += 0.5;
backgroundUV.y -= portrait(0.15,0.05);
backgroundUV.y /= ar;
if ((i < 2 && BgBaseTilt == 1) || (i == 1 && BgOverlayTilt == 1) || i == 2) {
float rotation = i < 2 && !(i == 1 && BgBaseTilt == 0) // todo: tilt to maximum point?
? dot(tilt, vec2(0.5, 1.0))
: dot(tilt, vec2(1.0));
float scaleModifier = getRotateScaleModifier(rotation);
vec2 scaleConst = ((i == 2 && BgLayerScaleHard == 0) || (i < 2 && BgBaseScaleSoft == 1)) ? softScale : hardScale;
if (BgBaseTilt == 1)
backgroundUV = ScaleUV( backgroundUV, scaleConst.x - (scaleModifier*scaleConst.y), bgPivot );
backgroundUV = rotatePoint(bgPivot, rotation*TWO_PI, backgroundUV);
float bgAr = i < 2 && BgBaseAnim == 0 ? BgBaseAR : bgLayerAR;
if (bgAr > 1)
backgroundUV = ScaleUV(backgroundUV, vec2(1/bgAr, 1.), bgPivot);
backgroundUV = ScaleUV(backgroundUV, vec2(1., bgAr), bgPivot);
vec2 animOffset;
animOffset = vec2(0.);
if (isAnim) {
float frameFraction = 1. / frameCount;
float currentFrame = floor(timing.y * frameCount);
animOffset = vec2(currentFrame*frameFraction, 0.);
backgroundUV *= vec2(frameFraction, 1.);
backgroundUV = BgBaseClampTiling == 0
? mirrorTile(backgroundUV, .001, .999)
: clamp(backgroundUV, .001, .999);
if (isAnim)
backgroundUV += animOffset;
if (i == 0) {
backgroundTexture = texture(BgBaseTex, backgroundUV);
if (BgBaseClearVersion == 1) {
vec4 backgroundClearTexture = texture(BgBaseClearTex, backgroundUV);
backgroundTexture = mix(backgroundTexture,backgroundClearTexture,clearTransition);
} else if (i == 1) {
backgroundTexture2 = texture(BgOverlayTex, backgroundUV);
if (BgOverlayClearVersion == 1) {
vec4 backgroundOverlayClearTexture = texture(BgOverlayClearTex, backgroundUV);
backgroundTexture2 = mix(backgroundTexture2,backgroundOverlayClearTexture,clearTransition);
if (BgOverlayFlashEffect == 1) {
backgroundTexture2.a *= .9 + timing.y * .1;
} else if (i == 2) {
layerTexture = texture(BgLayerTex, backgroundUV);
if (BgLayerClearVersion == 1) {
vec4 layerClearTexture = texture(BgLayerClearTex, backgroundUV);
layerTexture = mix(layerTexture, layerClearTexture, clearTransition);
layerTexture.rgb = blendOverlay(layerTexture.rgb, vec3(1.), BgLayerBrighten);
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb, backgroundTexture.rgb, backgroundTexture.a);
if (BgLayer == 1)
target.rgb = blendLinearDodge(target.rgb, layerTexture.rgb, layerTexture.a);
// TUNNEL -- gaat nog niet goed denkik
if (Tunnel == 1) {
vec2 pointFromCenter = center - point;
pointFromCenter /= TunnelScale;
float diff = GetDistanceShape(pointFromCenter,TunnelSides);
float fog = -1. / (diff * TunnelFog * TunnelScale.x) + 1.;
fog = clamp(fog, 0, 1);
float tunnelTexY = TunnelStretch / diff;
tunnelTexY += timing.y * TunnelSpeed;
float rot = (atan(pointFromCenter.x,pointFromCenter.y) + TunnelBaseTexRotation + TunnelExtraRotation*TWO_PI) / TWO_PI;
if (TunnelVortexEffect == 1)
rot += fract(timing.z*0.1*TunnelVortexFactor);
vec4 tunnelTexture = texture(TunnelTex, vec2(rot,mod(tunnelTexY,1)));
if (TunnelClearVersion == 1) {
vec4 clearTunnelTexture = texture(TunnelClearTex, vec2(rot,mod(tunnelTexY,1)));
tunnelTexture = mix(tunnelTexture,clearTunnelTexture,clearTransition);
if (TunnelFlashEffect == 1) {
float brightness = timing.y * 1.;
tunnelTexture.rgb = blendOverlay(tunnelTexture.rgb, vec3(1.), brightness);
if (TunnelDodgeBlend == 1)
target.rgb = blendLinearDodge(target.rgb, tunnelTexture.rgb*2, tunnelTexture.a*2*fog);
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb, tunnelTexture.rgb*2., tunnelTexture.a*fog);
// target.rgb = backgroundTexture.rgb * (1-target.a) + target.rgb * target.a;
// target.rgb = tunnelTexture.rgb * 2.0;
// target.a = tunnelTexture.a * fog;
if (Center == 1) {
vec2 centerUV = screenUV;
//centerUV = center - centerUV; // this would be 'centered uv calculation' (?)
//centerUV *= -1.0;
//centerUV += 0.5;
centerUV.x -= 0.5;
centerUV.y -= CenterOffsetY;
if (CenterSnapToTrack == 1)
centerUV.y += (0.5-center.y);
centerUV.y += portrait(0.19,0.25);
if (CenterFloat == 1) {
centerUV -= vec2(
sin(timing.z * 0.6) * 0.003 * CenterFloatXFactor,
cos(timing.z) * 0.007 * CenterFloatFactor
centerUV.x *= ar;
centerUV.x += 0.5;
centerUV = clamp(centerUV,0.0,1.0);
if (CenterTilt == 1)
centerUV = rotatePoint(vec2(0.5, 0.5-CenterOffsetY), clamp(TunnelBaseRotation + (bgrot * TWO_PI),-360,360), centerUV);
if (CenterFloat == 1 && CenterFloatRotationFactor > 0.) {
centerUV = rotatePoint(vec2(0.5), (sin(timing.z*0.3))*0.05*TWO_PI * CenterFloatRotationFactor, centerUV);
centerUV = ScaleUV(centerUV,CenterScale,vec2(0.5));
float GlowTimingProgress = sin(timing.z*6.5)*.5+.5;
if (CenterGlow == 1)
centerUV = ScaleUV(centerUV,GlowTimingProgress*.3+1.,vec2(0.5));
if (CenterRotate == 1)
centerUV = rotatePoint(vec2(0.5), fract(timing.z*0.02)*TWO_PI, centerUV);
// TODO: center anim
vec4 centerTexture = vec4(0.);
if (CenterNormalVersion == 1) {
centerTexture = texture(CenterTex, clamp(centerUV,0.,1.));
if (CenterClearVersion == 1) {
vec4 centerTextureClear = texture(CenterClearTex, clamp(centerUV,0.,1.));
centerTexture = mix(centerTexture,centerTextureClear,clearTransition);
float opacity = CenterFadeEffect == 1 ? (0.2+abs(cos(timing.z)*0.2)) : 1.;
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb,centerTexture.rgb,centerTexture.a * opacity);
if (BgOverlay == 1)
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb,backgroundTexture2.rgb,backgroundTexture2.a);
if (CenterLayerEffect == 1) {
float a = CenterLayerEffectAlpha;
float sc = CenterLayerEffectScale;
if (CenterLayerEffectFade == 1)
a *= (0.3+(cos(timing.z)*0.3));
if (CenterLayerEffectGlow == 1) {
a *= (GlowTimingProgress*.2+.4);
sc *= (GlowTimingProgress*.05+.95);
vec2 centerLayerUV = ScaleUV(centerUV,sc,vec2(.5,.5));
if (CenterLayerEffectRotate == 1)
centerLayerUV = rotatePoint(vec2(0.5), fract(timing.z*0.01*CenterLayerEffectRotateSpeed)*TWO_PI, centerLayerUV);
vec4 centerTexture2 = texture(CenterLayerEffectTex, clamp(centerLayerUV,0.,1.));
if (CenterLayerEffectDodgeBlend == 1)
target.rgb = blendLinearDodge(target.rgb, centerTexture2.rgb, centerTexture2.a*a);
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb,centerTexture2.rgb,centerTexture2.a * a);
// todo: have pulsing speed factor uniform
if (CenterPulse == 1) { // also has to account for clear version
vec4 centerTextureef = texture(CenterTex, clamp(ScaleUV(centerUV,1.-fract(timing.z*1.5)*0.15,vec2(0.5)),0.0,1.0));
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb,centerTextureef.rgb + target.rgb,centerTextureef.a *(fract(-timing.z*1.5))*0.2);
// If Center == 1 this will be drawn in the Center block
if (Center == 0 && BgOverlay == 1)
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb,backgroundTexture2.rgb,backgroundTexture2.a);
if (Particle == 1) {
vec2 particlesUV = point;
particlesUV.x = center.x - particlesUV.x;
particlesUV.x = mirrored(clamp(particlesUV.x,-1.0,1.0));
// particlesUV.y += 0.1;
vec4 particles = vec4(vec3(1.),0.);
float particlesTime = timing.z * ParticleSpeed;
for (int i=0;i<ParticleAmount;++i) {
float timeOffset = 1./i;
float particleSpawnTime = floor(particlesTime - timeOffset);
float particleTime = (particlesTime - timeOffset) - particleSpawnTime;
float rnd = rand(vec2(i,particleSpawnTime));
float rnd2 = rand(vec2(particleSpawnTime,i));
float spriteIndex = floor(rnd*4.0);
vec2 particleUV = ScaleUV(particlesUV,(1.0-particleTime)*8.0,vec2(0.0,center.y));
particleUV += vec2(rnd2*-0.4,rnd*0.4 + 0.025 + portrait(ParticleOffsetY,0.2));
particleUV /= ParticleScale;
particleUV = clamp(particleUV,0.0,1.0);
vec4 particle = texture(ParticleTex, particleUV * vec2(0.25,1.) + vec2(spriteIndex*0.25,0.0));
particle.a *= min(particleTime*ParticleAmount,1.0);
if (ParticleClearVersion == 1) {
vec4 clearParticle = texture(ParticleClearTex, particleUV * vec2(0.25,1.) + vec2(spriteIndex,0.0));
clearParticle.a *= min(particleTime*ParticleAmount,1.0);
particle = mix(particle, clearParticle, clearTransition);
particles = mix(particles,particle,particle.a);
target.rgb = mix(target.rgb,particles.rgb,particles.a);
target.a = 1.0;
//Edited by Halo ID => edited by Shirijii