2021-11-18 00:32:24 +01:00
-- Global `gfx` table
-- Creates a new circle arc shaped sub-path
---@param cx number # center x-coordinate
---@param cy number # center y-coordinate
---@param r number # radius
---@param a0 number # starting angle, in radians
---@param a1 number # ending angle, in radians
---@param dir integer # 1 = counter-clockwise, 2 = clockwise
Arc = function ( cx , cy , r , a0 , a1 , dir ) end
-- Adds an arc segment at the corner defined by the previous point and two specified points
---@param x1 number
---@param y1 number
---@param x2 number
---@param y2 number
---@param radius number
ArcTo = function ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , radius ) end
-- Clears currently defined paths to begin drawing a new "shape"
BeginPath = function ( ) end
-- Adds a cubic bezier segment from the previous point to the specified point
-- Uses the two control points `(c1x, c1y)` and `(c2x, c2y)`
---@param c1x number
---@param c1y number
---@param c2x number
---@param c2y number
---@param x number
---@param y number
BezierTo = function ( c1x , c1y , c2x , c2y , x , y ) end
-- Creates a box gradient that can be used by `FillPaint` or `StrokePaint`
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
---@param r number # radius
---@param f number # feather amount
BoxGradient = function ( x , y , w , h , r , f ) end
-- Creates a new circle shaped sub-path
---@param cx number
---@param cy number
---@param r number
Circle = function ( cx , cy , r ) end
-- Closes the current sub-path with a line segment
ClosePath = function ( ) end
-- Loads an image from the specified filename
---@param filename string
---@param flags? integer # options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `IMAGE`
CreateImage = function ( filename , flags ) end
-- Creates a cached text that can be drawn by `DrawLabel`
---@param text string
---@param size integer
---@param monospace boolean
CreateLabel = function ( text , size , monospace ) end
-- Creates a new `ShadedMesh` object
---@param materialName string
---@param path? string # Optional path to the material, loads from the current skin's `shaders` folder otherwise
-- `<materialName>.fs` and `<materialName>.vs` must exist at either location
---@return ShadedMesh
CreateShadedMesh = function ( materialName , path ) end
-- Loads an image from `skins/<skin>/textures/<path>`
---@param path string
---@param flags? integer
CreateSkinImage = function ( path , flags ) end
-- Draws the loaded gauge
-- The game loads the gauge itself, using the textures in `skins/<skin>/textures/gauges/`
---@param rate number # current gauge percentage
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
---@param deltaTime number
DrawGauge = function ( rate , x , y , w , h , deltaTime ) end
-- Draws a created label, resized if `maxWidth > 0`
-- Labels are always be drawn on top of other drawn elements
---@param label any # label created by `CreateLabel`
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param maxWidth? number
DrawLabel = function ( label , x , y , maxWidth ) end
-- Creates a new ellipse shaped sub-path
---@param cx number
---@param cy number
---@param rx number
---@param ry number
Ellipse = function ( cx , cy , rx , ry ) end
-- Draws a string at the specified location, but will always be drawn on top of other drawn elements
---@param text string
---@param x number
---@param y number
FastText = function ( text , x , y ) end
-- Gets the width and height of a given fast text
---@param text string
---@return number w, number h
FastTextSize = function ( text ) end
-- Fills the current path with the current fill style
Fill = function ( ) end
-- Sets the current fill to a solid color
---@param r integer
---@param g integer
---@param b integer
---@param a? integer # default 255
FillColor = function ( r , g , b , a ) end
-- Sets the current fill to a paint
---@param paint any # pattern created by `ImagePattern` or gradient created by `BoxGradient`, `LinearGradient`, or `RadialGradient`
FillPaint = function ( paint ) end
-- Sets the font face for the current text style
---@param font string
FontFace = function ( font ) end
-- Sets the font size of the current text style
---@param size number
FontSize = function ( size ) end
-- Forces the current render queue to be processed
-- This causes "fast" elements such as `FastRect`, `FastText` or `labels` to be drawn/processed immediately rather than at the end of the render queue
ForceRender = function ( ) end
-- Gets the shared texture ID generated by `gfx.LoadSharedTexture` under the given `name`
---@param name string
---@return integer ID # Used the same as images generated by `gfx.CreateImage`
GetSharedTexture = function ( name ) end
-- Sets the global alpha value for all drawings
-- Elements that have their alpha set will be adjusted relative to the global value
---@param alpha number
GlobalAlpha = function ( alpha ) end
-- Sets the composite operation with custom pixel arithmetic
-- Options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `BLEND`
---@param srcFactor integer
---@param desFactor integer
GlobalCompositeBlendFunc = function ( srcFactor , desFactor ) end
-- Sets the composite operation with custom pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately
-- Options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `BLEND`
---@param srcRGB integer
---@param desRGB integer
---@param srcAlpha integer
---@param desAlpha integer
GlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate = function ( srcRGB , desRGB , srcAlpha , desAlpha ) end
-- Sets the composite operation
-- Options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `BLEND_OP`
---@param op integer
GlobalCompositeOperation = function ( op ) end
-- Sets the inner and outer colors for a gradient
-- `ri, gi, bi, ai` inner color
-- `ro, go, bo, ao` outer color
---@param ri integer
---@param gi integer
---@param bi integer
---@param ai integer
---@param ro integer
---@param go integer
---@param bo integer
---@param ao integer
GradientColors = function ( ri , gi , bi , ai , ro , bo , go , ao ) end
-- Creates an image pattern that can be used by `FillPaint` or `StrokePaint`
-- `(sx, sy)` is the top-left location of the pattern
-- `(ix, iy)` is the size of one image
---@param sx number
---@param sy number
---@param ix number
---@param iy number
---@param angle number # in radians
---@param image any # image created by `CreateImage` or `CreateSkinImage`
---@param alpha number # `0.0` to `1.0`
ImagePattern = function ( sx , sy , ix , iy , angle , image , alpha ) end
-- Draws an image in the specified rect; stretches the image to fit
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
---@param image any # image created by `CreateImage` or `CreateSkinImage`, or an animation loaded with `LoadSkinAnimation`
---@param alpha number # `0.0` to `1.0`
---@param angle number # in radians
ImageRect = function ( x , y , w , h , image , alpha , angle ) end
-- Gets the width and height of a given image
---@param image any # image created by `CreateImage` or `CreateSkinImage`
---@return number w, number h
ImageSize = function ( image ) end
-- Intersects the current scissor rectangle with the specified rectangle
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
IntersectScissor = function ( x , y , w , h ) end
-- Gets the width and height of a given label
---@param label any # label created by `CreateLabel`
---@return number w, number h
LabelSize = function ( label ) end
-- Creates a linear gradient that can be used by `FillPaint` or `StrokePaint`
-- `(sx, sy)` -> `(ex, ey)` starting to ending coordinates
---@param sx number
---@param sy number
---@param ex number
---@param ey number
LinearGradient = function ( sx , sy , ex , ey ) end
-- Sets how the end of the line is drawn
-- Options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `LINE`
---@param cap integer
LineCap = function ( cap ) end
-- Sets how sharp path corners are drawn
-- Options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `LINE`
---@param join integer
LineJoin = function ( join ) end
-- Adds a line segment from the previous point to the specified point
---@param x number
---@param y number
LineTo = function ( x , y ) end
-- Loads all images of the specified folder as frames to be used for an animation
-- Returns an `animation` that can be used the same way as an `image`
---@param path string
---@param frameTime number # 1 / fps
---@param loopCount? integer # 0
---@param compressed boolean # false
-- if `compressed`, the animation will be stored in RAM and decoded on-demand; this uses more CPU but much less RAM
LoadAnimation = function ( path , frameTime , loopCount , compressed ) end
-- Loads a persistent texture from the `path` that can be accessed by the `name` in `gfx.GetSharedTexture` and `ShadedMesh:AddSharedTexture`
---@param name string
---@param path string
LoadSharedTexture = function ( name , path ) end
-- Loads all images from `skins/<skin>/textures/<path>` to be used for an animation
-- Returns an `animation` that can be used the same way as an `image`
---@param path string
---@param frameTime number # 1 / fps
---@param loopCount? integer # Default `0`
---@param compressed boolean
-- If `compressed`, the animation will be stored in RAM and decoded on-demand; this uses more CPU but much less RAM
LoadSkinAnimation = function ( path , frameTime , loopCount , compressed ) end
-- Loads a persistent texture from `skins/<skin>/textures/<path>` that can be accessed by the `name` in `gfx.GetSharedTexture` and `ShadedMesh:AddSharedTexture`
---@param name string
---@param path string
LoadSharedSkinTexture = function ( name , path ) end
-- Loads a font fromt the specified filename
-- Sets it as the current font if it is already loaded
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---@param name string
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---@param filename string
LoadFont = function ( name , filename ) end
-- Loads an image outside of the main thread to prevent rendering lock-up
-- Image will be loaded at original size unless `w` and `h` are provided
---@param filepath string
---@param placeholder any # image created by `CreateImage` or `CreateSkinImage`
---@param w? number # 0
---@param h? number # 0
---@return any # returns `placeholder` until the image is loaded
LoadImageJob = function ( filepath , placeholder , w , h ) end
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-- Loads a font from `skins/<skin>/fonts/<name>`
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-- Sets it as the current font if it is already loaded
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---@param name string
LoadSkinFont = function ( name ) end
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-- Loads an image outside of the main thread to prevent rendering lock-up
-- Image will be loaded at original size unless `w` and `h` are provided
---@param url string # web url of image
---@param placeholder any # image created by `CreateImage` or `CreateSkinImage`
---@param w? number # 0
---@param h? number # 0
---@return any # returns `placeholder` until the image is loaded
LoadWebImageJob = function ( url , placeholder , w , h ) end
-- Sets the miter limit of the stroke style
---@param limit number
MiterLimit = function ( limit ) end
-- Starts a new sub-path at the specified point
---@param x number
---@param y number
MoveTo = function ( x , y ) end
-- Adds a quadratic bezier segment from the previous point to the specified point
-- Uses the control point `(cx, cy)`
---@param cx number
---@param cy number
---@param x number
---@param y number
QuadTo = function ( cx , cy , x , y ) end
-- Creates a radial gradient that can be used by `FillPaint` or `StrokePaint`
---@param cx number
---@param cy number
---@param inr number # inner radius
---@param outr number # outer radius
RadialGradient = function ( cx , cy , inr , outr ) end
-- Creates a new rectangle shaped sub-path
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
Rect = function ( x , y , w , h ) end
-- Resets the current render state to default values
-- This does not affect the render state stack
Reset = function ( ) end
-- Resets and disables scissoring
ResetScissor = function ( ) end
-- Resets all transforms done by `Rotate`, `Scale`, or `Translate`, etc.
ResetTransform = function ( ) end
-- Pops/restores the current render state from the state stack
-- The render state is pushed/saved to the stack using `Save`
Restore = function ( ) end
-- Rotates the current coordinates
---@param angle number # in radians
Rotate = function ( angle ) end
-- Creates a rounded rectangle shaped sub-path
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
---@param r number
RoundedRect = function ( x , y , w , h , r ) end
-- Creates a rounded rectangle shaped sub-path with varying radii for each corner
-- `r1` is the top-left corner and continues clockwise
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
---@param r1 number
---@param r2 number
---@param r3 number
---@param r4 number
RoundedRectVarying = function ( x , y , w , h , r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ) end
-- Pushes/saves the current render state into a state stack
-- The render state can be popped/restored from the stack using `Restore`
Save = function ( ) end
-- Scales the current coordinates by the given factors
---@param x number
---@param y number
Scale = function ( x , y ) end
-- Sets the current scissor rectangle
-- Scissoring allows you to clip any rendering into a rectangle (affected by the current transform)
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param w number
---@param h number
Scissor = function ( x , y , w , h ) end
-- Sets the gauge color for the specified `index`
---@param index integer #
-- ```
-- 0 = Normal gauge fail (<70%)
-- 1 = Normal gauge clear (>=70%)
-- 2 = Hard gauge fail (<30%)
-- 3 = Hard gauge fail (>=30%)
-- ```
---@param r integer
---@param g integer
---@param b integer
SetGaugeColor = function ( index , r , g , b ) end
-- Multiplies the color given with all incoming drawn image colors
---@param r integer
---@param g integer
---@param b integer
SetImageTint = function ( r , g , b ) end
-- Skews the current coordinates along the x-axis
---@param angle number # in radians
SkewX = function ( angle ) end
-- Skews the current coordinates along the y-axis
---@param angle number # in radians
SkewY = function ( angle ) end
-- Strokes the current path with the current stroke style
Stroke = function ( ) end
-- Sets the current stroke style to a solid color
---@param r integer
---@param g integer
---@param b integer
---@param a? integer # 255
StrokeColor = function ( r , g , b , a ) end
-- Sets the current stroke style to a paint
---@param paint any # pattern created by `ImagePattern` or gradient created by `BoxGradient`, `LinearGradient`, or `RadialGradient`
StrokePaint = function ( paint ) end
-- Sets the stroke width of the stroke style
---@param size number
StrokeWidth = function ( size ) end
-- Draws a string at the specified location
---@param text string
---@param x number
---@param y number
Text = function ( text , x , y ) end
-- Sets the text align of the current text style
-- Options are under the `gfx` table prefixed with `TEXT_ALIGN`
---@param align integer
TextAlign = function ( align ) end
-- Gets the bounding rectangle coordinates of a given text
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param text string
---@return number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2
TextBounds = function ( x , y , text ) ; end
-- Progresses the given animation
---@param animation any # animation created by `LoadAnimation` or `LoadSkinAnimation`
---@param deltaTime number
TickAnimation = function ( animation , deltaTime ) end
-- Translates the current coordinates by `x` and `y`
---@param x number
---@param y number
Translate = function ( x , y ) end
-- Updates the properties of a created pattern
-- `(sx, sy)` is the top-left location of the pattern
-- `(ix, iy)` is the size of one image
---@param pattern any # pattern created by `ImagePattern`
---@param sx number
---@param sy number
---@param ix number
---@param iy number
---@param angle number # in radians
---@param alpha number # `0.0` to `1.0`
UpdateImagePattern = function ( pattern , sx , sy , ix , iy , angle , alpha ) end
-- Updates the properties of a created label
---@param label any # label created by `CreateLabel`
---@param text? string
---@param size? integer
UpdateLabel = function ( label , text , size ) end
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---@class gfx
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gfx = {
Arc = Arc ,
ArcTo = ArcTo ,
BeginPath = BeginPath ,
BezierTo = BezierTo ,
BoxGradient = BoxGradient ,
Circle = Circle ,
ClosePath = ClosePath ,
CreateImage = CreateImage ,
CreateLabel = CreateLabel ,
CreateShadedMesh = CreateShadedMesh ,
CreateSkinImage = CreateSkinImage ,
DrawGauge = DrawGauge ,
DrawLabel = DrawLabel ,
Ellipse = Ellipse ,
FastText = FastText ,
FastTextSize = FastTextSize ,
Fill = Fill ,
FillColor = FillColor ,
FillPaint = FillPaint ,
FontFace = FontFace ,
FontSize = FontSize ,
ForceRender = ForceRender ,
GetSharedTexture = GetSharedTexture ,
GlobalAlpha = GlobalAlpha ,
GlobalCompositeBlendFunc = GlobalCompositeBlendFunc ,
GlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate = GlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate ,
GlobalCompositeOperation = GlobalCompositeOperation ,
GradientColors = GradientColors ,
ImagePattern = ImagePattern ,
ImageRect = ImageRect ,
ImageSize = ImageSize ,
IntersectScissor = IntersectScissor ,
LabelSize = LabelSize ,
LinearGradient = LinearGradient ,
LineCap = LineCap ,
LineJoin = LineJoin ,
LineTo = LineTo ,
LoadAnimation = LoadAnimation ,
LoadSharedTexture = LoadSharedTexture ,
LoadSkinAnimation = LoadSkinAnimation ,
LoadSharedSkinTexture = LoadSharedSkinTexture ,
LoadFont = LoadFont ,
LoadImageJob = LoadImageJob ,
LoadSkinFont = LoadSkinFont ,
LoadWebImageJob = LoadWebImageJob ,
MiterLimit = MiterLimit ,
MoveTo = MoveTo ,
QuadTo = QuadTo ,
RadialGradient = RadialGradient ,
Rect = Rect ,
Reset = Reset ,
ResetScissor = ResetScissor ,
ResetTransform = ResetTransform ,
Restore = Restore ,
Rotate = Rotate ,
RoundedRect = RoundedRect ,
RoundedRectVarying = RoundedRectVarying ,
Save = Save ,
Scale = Scale ,
Scissor = Scissor ,
SetGaugeColor = SetGaugeColor ,
SetImageTint = SetImageTint ,
SkewX = SkewX ,
SkewY = SkewY ,
Stroke = Stroke ,
StrokeColor = StrokeColor ,
StrokePaint = StrokePaint ,
StrokeWidth = StrokeWidth ,
Text = Text ,
TextAlign = TextAlign ,
TextBounds = TextBounds ,
TickAnimation = TickAnimation ,
Translate = Translate ,
UpdateImagePattern = UpdateImagePattern ,
UpdateLabel = UpdateLabel ,
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} ;